
The High King Lives

Crafty Monday: The Human Body part 2 September 17, 2012

Hello dear ones 🙂 I hope you had a lovely weekend! This past week we continued our study on the human body. This week we will finish our studies which actually isn’t a whole month long as I thought it’d be. We’ve watched so many Beakman videos lol. I’m ready for fall stuff! We also had Canada day at our homeschool group.

Here’s where I get my ideas:

Body system videos:

Circulatory System- Michael colored the heart and put it on his body. We watched several videos on blood and the circulatory system.

I put a mini marshmallow on a tooth pic and balanced it on my wrist. You’re supposed to see the tooth pic move with your pulse. We had a hard time seeing it.

Then we made “Blood”. We used yellow food coloring and water to make plasma, marshmallows as white blood cells, red fruit loops for red blood cells, and purple fruit loops for the platelets. I thought the fruit loops would change the color of the water but I had to add red food coloring to it. Michael did NOT drink this. It was just for looks 🙂

The next day we went over the lymphatic system. No body crafts that day….just videos.

This was a really good set of videos:

We did finish our salt dough map of Canada. We didn’t feel like painting so Michael used markers.

I found these great old text books at a Labor Day book sale. Here is a picture of two of them. The books cover plant info, how things works, fables & fairy tales, space, animals etc…. Michael read about the seasons in The Green Kingdom book and then chose Friday to read about pipes in How Things Work. I guess that’s a guy thing lol.

Wednesday we learned about the Digestive System. We played the Digestive System game here:

Click to access digestive_handout2.pdf

Michael enjoyed getting his piece out of the body. LOL As tacky as it is, I made body sounds to go with it. Hey, he’s a BOY ;P

Thursday we talked about the urinary system. Michael had a giggle with that too. No body crafts but we had a lovely time learning about Canada at our homeschool group. Pics etc at the end.

Friday we learned about skin and how it heals. We also learned briefly about hair and nails. Beakman had fantastic info. Btw we never watch the whole show, only the parts about the body. We skip the weird stuff.

Chris helped Michael stamp his finger prints.

Now, onto Canada….

My buddy Rachel also posted pictures from the Canada project. She talks more about it than I’m going to. Check out her awesome blog 🙂

If you like my blog at all you will love hers. She has a great post on Mayflower day.

I made a Canadian Flag cake. Michael helped mix it. He cracked his first egg which was kind of funny 🙂

It’s chocolate with vanilla icing and strawberries…….and it came out of a box. It was a bit difficult to get the strawberries to look right.

Rachel made a Canadian flag vegetable tray and Hannah made beef stroganoff. We had some awesome food!

Michael and I took the Five Iron Frenzy song “Oh, Canada” and made it more kid friendly with some lyric changes. It was goofy and great.

Here’s the video of us singing it. Oh, and I heard the comment at the end ladies 😉 lol. I promise William Shatner was in the original song. The poster is just to give the kids something to look at. You are right. I do like Star Trek. If I would’ve had my way Michael would have worn his Captain Kirk costume. He didn’t want to though…party pooper :(. Poor kid has a crazy mom!

Hannah and Olivia made a neat Canada lapbook.

Rachel’s little girl Maggie made a really detailed salt dough map. It’s beautiful:)

We learned about Canadian Currency. The price of milk is outrageous!

William Shatner is a native citizen of Canada. He’s in our song that’s why I mentioned him above.  So Michael wrote a letter to him in his work book. I wonder if we should really mail it……

Michael got a stamp in his “passport”

This weekend we celebrated the Feast of Trumpets early. That’s in my Sunday post. Well, Saturday Michael and I started this Revelation booklet. Find it here:

Click to access RevProject14.pdf

This is one of the pictures Michael colored. He drew God on His throne behind the door.

We’ve been talking a lot about Heaven and the rapture lately. Michael says he wants to slide on a rainbow when he gets to Heaven. Why not? Michael asked Chris what he wanted to do. Chris wanted to hunt a dinosaur. Since there is no death in Heaven Chris would have to just play hide and seek with the dino/dragon. LOL the thought makes me smile! I think I would pick everyone’s brain there…..I have so much to ask and I would explore a lot probably.

We know our glorified bodies won’t be ghosts because Jesus’ glorified body took solid form and he even ate with his disciples after His resurrection. He did materialize where he wanted etc but the disciples were able to touch the scars in his hands.  Heaven is going to be fun…….the ability to eat but only if we feel like it. No starvation and no obesity! The ability to travel in an instant from one place to another. Many see it as paradise before the fall but even better. We know the tree of life will be there and a river from the throne of God……golden streets. It’s so exciting!

God bless & remember the High King lives! ~Amber Dover

The Human Body Part1:

Crafty Monday: The Human Body part 1


6 Responses to “Crafty Monday: The Human Body part 2”

  1. Ann Says:

    What can I say but…AWESOME!!

  2. Rachel Says:

    LOL! So funny! For the record, I didn’t make the Star Trek comment, I just giggled! LOL! (Yes, I’m totally gonna throw Hannah under the bus here!) Thank you for the plug! I will plug you soon when we start our Solar System studies this week! Watch for it! 🙂 And I love Michael’s “blood” in a cup! It’s so fun to see what you guys are up to! 🙂

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