
The High King Lives

Virtual Friday: Biblical Explorations in SecondLife May 11, 2012

Hello dear ones and welcome to another Virtual Friday where I take you into the world of SecondLife.

I found an interesting place in the virtual realm the other day. It’s a place full of Biblical exhibits. One thing I didn’t like was how a certain doctrine was pushed in one of their signs. I can’t and don’t agree with the Seventh Day Adventist beliefs. So just know up front that this place does have that doctrine and I don’t support it.

Moving on, I did like a majority of their exhibits though and I think they did a great job artistically. So enjoy the pictures 🙂 Remember you can click on them to see them larger.

Biblical Explorations in SecondLife

Visit Great Controversy Island (162, 13, 22)

There were a few pictures of creation and inside this pyramid they had a theater but I was unable to get it to work. I do have an older viewer.

I loved the Moses exhibit. It begins with Moses as a baby and goes through him helping to deliver Israel. My one wish is that they would’ve shown the burning bush.

They did a good job with the plagues.

The plague of darkness was particularly clever. I didn’t think they’d show this plague but as I began walking this dark cloud covered me and I couldn’t see for a bit.

The blood on the door post for Passover….

And once we all made it out of Egypt we danced with Miriam 🙂

There was the temple with the ark and the priests lighting incense

Also there was a replica of Daniel’s lions den

beautiful nativity

Well, God bless and remember The High King Lives!~Amber Dover

PS: I got carried away with a bubble toy….hopefully the neighbors won’t say anything lol


Virtual Friday: Witnessing in SecondLife? March 16, 2012

I found this article that’s probably old but it had some good points:

I definitely agree that you have to be careful where you go in SecondLife. I have given virtual Bibles to people in SL and I’ve been to prayer meetings and Christian clubs. But I am still an introvert even in the virtual world. I prefer to visit neat places and see beautiful art rather than talk to people (shame on me).  Anywho, there have been a few places where I had to lose a creepy person or people were barely dressed…so I had to teleport out of there. But overall if you research where you’re going first and you keep the same moral standards you have in real life then you should be ok. I rarely talk to guys on SL. I may have prayed for someone in a prayer meeting or something but if a guy tries to talk to me usually I run away lol. It’s just my way of protecting myself from temptation. I am the same way in Real life. My hubby is usually always with me if I’m talking to a guy. I try to avoid the appearance of evil.

Every once in awhile I like to visit this church in SL:

Here’s the SLurl for Calvary Chapel:

(Here’s me listening to preaching. This is when I had an adult avatar. The pics a bit fuzzy)

God bless & remember The High King Lives! ~Amber Dover