
The High King Lives

Media Saturday: Once Music Video (for the fans) October 6, 2012

I know all of you may not be “Once” fans like me but you know I love fairy tales. I rarely watch regular tv shows and I can’t stand most of them (maybe why I like Korean dramas lol). But if there’s a movie about unicorns pooping rainbows I’m probably going to watch it (JK I’m not that extreme…but I do like My Little Ponies ;P). For those of you who are going crazy (like me) waiting for the next episode, here is a sweet music video to get you through. I love this song!

God bless & remember the High King lives! ~Amber Dover

Oh, in thoughts of The Hobbit :


Media Saturday: The Avenger’s Movie & Cartoon series May 19, 2012

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Hello friends :)….well, I’ve been contemplating doing a review on the new Avengers’ movie. But I don’t want to be biased. I actually really liked the movie despite some of it’s flaws. My hubby and I saw it for his birthday. I grew up on comic book characters. It was nothing for me to pretend to be a super hero. I Loved X-Men and Batman. I doodled my own comic strips during school hours. They all starred me….cough* and I usually had some kind of magical horse or the ability to shape shift. My arch enemy was Snake man. Anywho, so for you to get a good review with both the good and bad side of the movie you’ll have to go here:

Anytime you have super heroes and bad guys you’re going to have violence. Really I don’t see how it’s any different than old western shows my parents watched. The heroes just have better weapons and so do the villains unfortunately. The Avenger’s comics have been around since the 60’s and have evolved throughout the years.

My biggest issue with the new movie is the cursing. If you want to see the Avenger’s without any cursing then you can check out the cartoon on Netflix: The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. It combines story lines from over the years and will definitely please fans. My other issue would be the way women dress. It’s not so bad in cartoon form and my family has enjoyed watching the show. We also had this issue with the old star trek show. We skipped the parts when alien girls came out. I guess society thinks all women dress this way. Seriously, if you’re a super hero wouldn’t you want an outfit that makes it easier to fight bad guys? Yeah, I’m thinking camo…

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Thor doesn’t bother me so much since according to the comics he’s not really a god but rather an alien that’s stronger than humans. My favorite part of The Avengers movie is when the Black Widow tells Captain America Thor and Loki are kind of like gods and then Captain America says “There’s only one God and I’m pretty sure He doesn’t dress like that.” I wanted to stand up and shout. Seriously….awesome line.

Anywho, our family doesn’t have cable and it’s rare to find shows on Netflix that we all enjoy. In the beginning we had the old Star Trek series & so guess what we were for the Fall Festival…well, except Chris…he was William Wallace (Braveheart)

Then we enjoyed Cosby until they took it off of instant :(. Now we have the Avenger’s cartoon and all three of us like it. I guess I have this in common with my guys…I love super heroes. I’m a total nerd. So in a ways the Avenger’s bring us together….and who knows what we’ll be this fall festival…..he he he (evil laugh)

God bless and Remember The High King Lives! ~Amber Dover


(Foreign) Media Saturday: IP Man 2 (Chinese) and Playful Kiss (Korean) April 14, 2012

Hello friends and welcome to Media Saturday. Today is special because I have a guest blogger (my husband Chris) and we are reviewing foreign media. First, my hubby will review a Chinese movie “IP Man 2” based on Bruce Lee’s instructor. Secondly, I’ll be reviewing a youth television series called “Playful Kiss”. Playful Kiss is Korean live action but based on Japanese Manga.  🙂

#1 IP Man 2 (pronounced Yip man)~ a Chinese film. Review by Chris Dover

For those of you who don’t know, Ip Man (Yip Man) was a real life figure that was the principle instructor of Bruce Lee. He was trained in the martial arts style called Wing Chung. This move takes place in the 1950’s in British Ruled Hong Kong, shortly after WWII. He rents a rooftop building to set up a school to teach his martial arts. Initially he has no students, but one day a teen shows up to taunt and challenge him. During this fight, Ip Man holds back, only blocking and acting the moves, but the teen wants to see what he can really do, so Ip shows him. The teen flees and brings back others, they do the same thing, but all 4 end up begging to be his students.

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His school starts to grow, but students from another school harass one of Ip’s students, starting a fight. One thing leads to another and Ip gets an offer to prove to the other martial arts masters that he deserves a school in Hong Kong. He succeeds, but turns down their offer when he finds out he owes dues for having the school. More harassment starts, but then during a boxing exhibition, a fight breaks out between Mr Twister, the World Boxing Champion, and several kung fu fighters. In an attempt to keep the honor of Chinese martial arts, one of the masters challenges Twister to a fight. In the fight, Twister’s endurance stands against the older master’s skill and he beats the master to death. Later, in a mocking apology, Twister opens up another challenge against the Chinese. This is when Ip steps up….

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I personally enjoy movies like this. The first movie was good as well as this movie. The movie is in Chinese with English subtitles, but the British people speak in English. There are a few profane words, but are in Chinese, with subtitles showing the word. Like it was said before Ip Man was a real martial Arts master, was the instructor to Bruce Lee, and actually did challenge professional boxers (He fought several). Even with this truth, a lot of the story was fiction, such as the fights with Twister (Twister was never a real boxer, they just combined several fighters into one for the movie) among others, but it makes a good movie. There is a lot of fighting action combined with touching moments with his family. The fight scenes were pretty good. They didn’t use over-the-top stuff like in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, but most seemed more believable. Overall, it was a pretty good movie.

Note from Amber: this was one of the few Martial arts movies that grabbed my attention and I actually sat down and watched the rest of the movie with my hubby. It had a “Rocky” feel to it.

#2 Playful Kiss ~ a South Korean drama. Review by Amber Dover

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Playful Kiss is a South Korean drama for teens. It’s based on a popular Japanese Manga. You can watch it on Netflix. There are 16 episodes but they are an hour each. Don’t let the title fool you. This series is definitely PG. It’s very cute and girly. There’s plenty of comic relief to keep some of the guys watching. There’s also alot of quirky movie spoofs.

Wikipedia sums it up well:

“A high school girl named Oh Ha Ni (Jung So Min) who is in the bottom of her class has had a crush on popular and genius male student named Baek Seung Jo (Kim Hyun Joong) ever since she saw him on the first day of high school. Ha Ni decides to confess through a letter, but is rejected by Seung Jo, who tells her that he hates stupid girls.

Fate intervenes when a mild earthquake ruins Ha Ni’s family’s new house. While the house gets rebuilt, Ha Ni and her father stay at the home of her dad’s childhood friend, who happens to be Seung Jo’s father.

The drama continues with portraying Seung Jo and Ha Ni moving onto college and university, whilst facing many difficulties and problems, in which eventually lead Seung Jo to fall for Ha Ni in a romantic and protective way.”

I’ve watched a few foreign films but watching  16 hours of a Korean drama with subtitles was quite an achievement lol. I was sucked in ….what can I say :). There are several interesting characters in Playful Kiss. A majority of them start out immature and directionless. The fun part is seeing how the characters grow through all their crazy antics. By the end of the series all of the characters have matured greatly.

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Let me introduce you to some of the major characters:

Oh Ha Ni- Oh Ha Ni is the star. She starts out rather goofy and not at all book smart. She has a huge crush on Seung Jo although he blocks her advances. Oh Ha Ni is willing to do almost anything to get Seung Jo to notice her….even taking on a challenge to become one of the top students. Although Oh Ha Ni is obsessive and has little direction herself…we see her grow into a strong woman along the way. Soon Oh Ha Ni realizes she likes getting good grades and by the end of the series she is setting goals for herself instead of just living for Seung Jo.

Oh Ha Ni’s story from puberty to adulthood is the most hilarious. Another funny aspect is how we get to listen to Oh Ha Ni’s inner thoughts. Sometimes we see her thoughts as movie spoofs (like on the Matrix etc). The first scene of the series is  Oh Ha Ni dreaming Seung Jo kisses her. It’s a rather cheesy scene and at first I thought I wouldn’t get into the series…..but as I saw the different characters interact I began to love it. I like how Oh Ha Ni is very innocent and she’s committed…unlike certain American  teen heroines who have a new boyfriend every couple of seconds.She’s a very creative person.

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Baek Seung Jo– this is the guy we can’t decide to love or hate. Seung Jo is Oh Ha Ni’s popular and super smart crush. In the beginning Seung Jo is very stuck on himself.  He hates dumb girls. We soon see Seung Jo wants a challenge and boy does he get it when Oh Ha Ni starts to follow him around like a little duck. In a way, Oh Ha Ni becomes Seung Jo’s social experiment and through it all we see Seung Jo feels protective of Oh Ha Ni. Seung Jo has  a soft side and he’s not as cold hearted as we’re led to believe. He’s just very guarded. We also find out that his mom wanted a girl so bad that she dressed Seung Jo in girl’s clothes when he was little. He’s a bit scarred from it.

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Bong Joon Gu- Here comes the comic relief. Bong Joon Gu is a Korean Elvis look alike.  His hairstyle is trapped in the 50’s and his attitude is that of a cheesy Fonzie. What’s worse is that Bong Joon has a HUGE crush on Oh Ha Ni. So in a way we have a love triangle…except Oh Ha Ni doesn’t like Bong Joon in that way at all. If you think Oh Ha Ni will do some goofy things to get attention then just wait til you see Bong Joon. Bong Joon can be annoying and over the top but his character may grown on you as well. As we see Bong Joon mature we realize he’s not as stupid as he acts/looks. We find Bong Joon is a talented chef and he too must learn how to set goals for himself apart from obsessing over his crush.

Oh Ha Ni’s girl friends (Jung Joo Ri & Dok Go Min Ah)- You have the shy artsy friend and then the loud goofy friend who likes to style hair in class. They are the typical girl friends and they also add comic relief. They are very supportive to Oh Ha Ni.

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The Nerdy Band– In every other episode we hear the band play the “Playful Kiss” theme song between scenes. As you can see from the picture..the band is quite eccentric and…well nerdy. The members are also apart of Bonj Joon’s rag tag bunch.

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Seung Jo’s mom (Hwang Geum Hee) – Seung Jo’s mom is way over the top and it’s obvious she’s desperate for girl time. When Oh Ha Ni comes to stay with Seung Jo’s family his mom goes overboard decorating a girly room for Oh Ha Ni. Seung Jo’s mom is very pushy and does her best to match make Oh Ha Ni and Seung Jo. Often she is critical of Seung Jo’s cold exterior. We see she wanted a girl and had a boy instead. Seung Jo’s mom bonds well with Oh Ha Ni and becomes the mom Oh Ha Ni never knew (her mom died when she was little). Oh Ha Ni is like a daughter to Seung Jo’s mom. Seung Jo’s mom brings more comic relief. We see she is an avid blogger and keeps up with the kids as part of her blog. She’s super dramatic but sometimes you need a crazy mom to get things a goin’ 🙂

The stuck up smart girl– there are two of these girls….one in Highschool and one in college. They both prove to be Oh Ha Ni’s competition for Seung Jo.

When I said this show is cutesy I mean’t it. Each episode ends with pictures of teddy bears acting out one of the scenes. It’s completely girly…..but I’m a girl so I like it lol. I wouldn’t say this show is for young children because it deals with relationship issues. Plus the series follows Oh Ha Ni and Seung Jo into college and it becomes a little more adult (but still very innocent). If you let your teen watch this then make sure to have a good talk with them about values in a relationship. It’s unhealthy to be so obsessive over another person.

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Also there are two things that were bothersome. In one episode a curse word was thrown in. It was very quick (remember this is in subtitles) and I’m not sure if it was the actual “D” word or the slang for it. It’s hard to tell with subtitles.  The other thing is there’s one scene where Oh Ha Ni runs into a male flasher. She refuses to look so the flasher steals Oh Ha Ni’s shoe that fell off. Oh Ha Ni chases the man and agrees to look once to get her shoe back. As she’s preparing herself to be flashed, Seung Jo saves Oh Ha Ni from seeing the flasher exposed. Seung Jo also chases the flasher down and gets Oh Ha Ni’s shoe. So you never see anything and Seung Jo protects Oh Ha Ni’s innocence. Still it’s just a disturbing scene.

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Overall, Playful Kiss is a cute show and worth the subtitles. It’s funny, romantic, and at times touching. There’s one episode where the kids take this boy who’s dying out of the hospital and race him around in his wheel chair. The show is definitely witty and the characters have depth. They get better too as the show progresses. I’m a kid at heart but I think other moms may enjoy this as well. If you’re going to let your daughter watch this series I recommend watching it with her….to discuss issues that come up. This show has more depth than Hannah Montana and it’s funnier in some ways. Plus, it exposes you to another culture. By the end of the series I thought everyone I heard was speaking in Korean lol!

Well, God bless and remember The High King Lives!~Amber Dover


Media Saturday: Rhett & Link, Once Upon a Time, and Christina Perri January 28, 2012

Hello hello friends! It’s Media Saturday :). Today I’ll be reviewing Rhett & Link from Youtube, the hit tv show “Once Upon a Time”, and singer Christina Perri. I am excited about today’s reviews. I believe many of you will be familiar with these shows/people. Once again I hold a Biblical world view and that will affect my reviews.  Let’s get started!

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#1 Once Upon A Time  (warning a few spoilers)

What can I say? Most of you probably already watch this show.”Once Upon a Time” quickly became one of America’s top shows.  “Once Upon a Time” is about a group of fairy tale characters who are cursed by an evil queen. Now the characters are stuck in the real world in Story Brooke, Maine. No one ages and no one remembers their past  except the evil queen who is now Mayor of Story Brooke (& maybe Rumpelstiltskin).

Before the curse hit, Snow White and Prince Charming put their only child in a magical tree that transported the child to another realm safe from the curse. This child was Emma (who is now 28) and the prophecies say she is the one who will break the curse.  Emma has a 10 yr old son, Henry, that she gave up for adoption. Henry was adopted by the evil Queen (Regina-they all have new names in the real world). Henry finds Emma and asks for her help to break the curse. Henry has a book that tells the story of all the characters including why Emma was seemingly abandoned by her parents. Emma of course is skeptical but she agrees to drive Henry back to Story Brooke. In the process, Emma sees Henry did not get the best life through adoption and she finds she wants t be apart of Henry’s life after all.

Emma has no family life or friends really. She was passed along through the foster system and now she’s a bail bondsman/ bounty hunter. So Emma has nothing to lose when she moves to Story Brooke. Regina (the evil Queen) is very hostile towards Emma and tells her to stay out of Henry’s life. At first, Regina seems to be a normal overprotective mom. Why would she want some strange woman who agreed to a closed adoption, to show up and confuse her son? But as we continue in the series we see Regina is a hateful and controlling person who doesn’t understand true love. We find out that she took her own Father’s heart to make the curse. Strangely her Father’s name was Henry as well. Regina will do anything to take out her revenge on Snow White ( Mary Margaret now & Henry’s school teacher).  We still don’t know what Snow White did to the Evil Queen and I have a feeling it will be awhile before we find out. The series just started after all.

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What makes this show so addictive is how they take fairy tales and portray them in real life. They go back n forth between what happened to the characters in the story world and what’s happening now in the real world because of the curse. At the heart of the stories is the character Rumpelstiltskin. He is Mr. Gold in the real world. Mr. Gold is the one character who has control over Regina and this is because Mr. Gold gave Regina the curse with a price. Rumpelstiltskin (Mr. Gold) repeatedly says “Magic always comes with a price”.  Regina (evil Queen) has to give Mr. Gold whatever he asks when he says please. Mr. Gold’s back story is interesting. He wasn’t always evil but now he makes deceptive deals with the storybook characters.

For instance, in the “Once Upon a Time” story of Cinderella, Rumple destroys the fairy Godmother for her wand. Then HE is the one to send Cinderella to the ball….but with a price. She now owes him. When the time comes we find out Cinderella must give up her first born child (Rumple has a thing for babies). Cinderella tricks Rumple and he is locked up but now she is cursed. In the real world Cinderella (Ashley) is a single 19 yr old pregnant maid. Her prince isn’t around to help and she feels she must give the baby to Mr. Gold to be put up for adoption. Emma convinces Ashley to keep the baby and Emma ends up making a deal with Mr. Gold so he won’t take the baby. In the end, Cinderella and her Prince are together in the real world along with their baby. Emma acts as savior for many storybook characters in each episode.

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The one story that is constant and full of surprises is Snow White’s story. Snow White and Prince Charming are the main characters and Emma’s real parents.  But in Story Brooke they are the same age they were when Emma was born. At first, Prince Charming (David) is in a coma. Mary Margaret (Snow White) volunteers and visits him. After Emma’s arrival, Snow White brings David out of his coma with a kiss.  The bad news is that they are still cursed. They don’t remember they were married in the storybook world. Then Regina (evil Queen) finds David’s wife Kathryn (King Midas’ daughter). David tries to stay faithful to his real world wife Kathryn but David and Mary are drawn to each other. This part of the story is confusing. Is it really adulterous for Snow and Charming to be together? After all, they were married first in the world they are from. The curse has turned morality upside down on it’s head…making it hard to determine what is right and wrong. For this reason I strongly caution parents if they let their kids watch this show.

I personally let my son watch some episodes and others I ban. A few times I’ve had to cover his eyes. Little Red Riding Hood (Ruby in real world) dresses like a hoochie and works at the local diner. There hasn’t been any sex scenes but some things are implied (with the evil Queen). If you don’t let your children watch magic then this is a no no. I personally allow my son to watch some magic and we discuss the difference between reality and fantasy. I’m very open with my son. We don’t do Santa Clause or the tooth fairy. If you do that’s up to you. I’m not telling anyone how to parent. We do use our imagination alot and pretend but at the end of the day Michael knows whats real and whats fantasy. Anywho, “Once Upon A Time” is supposed to be a family show but like I said there are some instances where you have to be careful. Some episodes may be too scary for children as well. Plus I get sick of the commercials especially ones for Desperate Housewives ( I hate that show…just being honest).  You can watch episodes of Once Upon a Time on and decide what’s best for your family.


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As an adult I love this show. It is one of the few decent shows on televisions. It is more moral than most shows. Fairy tales don’t bother me at this age. When I was a young kid I was very impressionable and my magic intake should’ve been limited or atleast discussed. Now as an adult I am very grounded in my faith as a Christian. My dad was a minister and he educated me very well on other religions (including Wicca which he experienced BEFORE he became a minister). So when I watch magical shows I can pick out what is fantasy and what’s based on real life magic. I’m not going to watch “Harry Potter” and decide to become a Wiccan.  I know what’s behind that stuff. I know demons are real (I’ve seen a few) and I know the spiritual battle in this world is very REAL.

My Son on the other hand is young and sometimes movie characters become role models instead of mom and Dad……..especially when they seem so much cooler. Fantasy and television can really have a powerful grip on a child. I’ve never let my son watch Spiderman (I don’t like the movies) yet he thinks Spiderman is SO cool. We homeschool too so it doesn’t make sense. But I can’t shelter my son from everything. I can on the other hand provide him a safe zone where he can mature and be trained for battle. Seriously this world is like a warzone. I’m not sending my kid into it without some wisdom and combat training (figuratively speaking).  I’m glad my Dad prepared me or I probably would’ve been drawn to the occult. Education is a powerful thing.

In conclusion, (sorry I bunny trailed) Once Upon a Time is very entertaining and one of the cleaner shows on tv. I love how the writers give the fairy tales depth. There are so many surprises and twists and turns. This show comes from the writers of “Lost” so it’s bound to be interesting. Do you like Once Upon a Time?  Please leave me a comment with your opinion. What’s your favorite aspect of the show? What do you dislike about it? Who is your fav. character?

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#2 Rhett and Link

Ok, this review will be short and sweet (I know you’re thankful lol). My awesome hubby introduced me to Rhett and Link on youtube and I laughed myself silly. In fact, I used one of their videos in this week’s Laugh Yourself Silly Thursday post.  Rhett and Link have been best friends since grade-school. They are some goofy guys who love to make people laugh and they do it well..very well. My hubby says Rhett and Link now have their own cable show.

These guys are well liked by many. They have 854,055 subscribers and their channel has 121,565,657 video views. So I am not alone in my love for Rhett & Link videos.  These guys make funny advertisement videos like this:

They do goofy stunts like this:

I just have to SHOW you these videos…I don’t know how to describe the greatness of Rhett and Link. You have to EXPERIENCE it lol 🙂

I even like their homeschool song. Yes my son WILL take over the country. I promise he won’t rob you though lol

Other hilarious videos include their Surrogate Sharers series, Caption Fail series, and their dating advice.

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#3 Christina Perri

Christina Perri is a lovely artist who sings and writes her own music. She can also play the guitar and piano. I enjoy artists who have diverse creativity. I’m not sure what genre I would put Christina’s music in…….some blues….some folk maybe……definitely not pop although one of her hit songs “A Thousand Years” could easily rival any Taylor Swift song.

Christina Perri writes songs based on her own experiences with romance. There are happily ever after songs and there are songs about being lonely. Her voice is haunting and hard to get out of your head.

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Christina’s album “Lovestrong” has several lovely tunes. “Jar of Hearts” is the song that brought her to fame. It is a song about a charming man who steals women’s hearts then discards them. Here are some lyrics:

And who do you think you are?
Runnin’ ’round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
You’re gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don’t come back for me
Who do you think you are?

She also says she’s not his “ghost anymore”. The music video is very unique artistically. The man is seen as a “dementor”, a creature from Harry Potter that sucks the life out of his victims. Well, this player sucks the life out of these girls when he kisses them and then leaves them all heart broken. I like how she used that concept. I personally don’t like some of  the dancing in the video. But I give Christina lots of creative points 🙂

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As a person, Christina seems to be more of an emo/steam punk chic. I can’t imagine her wearing Abercrombie and Fitch. She reminds me of Lacy from Flyleaf. I myself have never been a preppy kind of girl (though I do have my “Pollyanna” moments and I love pink). I would so wear a tutu over my jeans if my hubby let me. I don’t care for tattoos but I’m not going to judge someone’s character because of them. In fact, one of my best friends has a tattoo.  Moving on, I really like how creative Christina is in her videos. My favorite video is “Arms”  in which her guy is tattooed and just not your average model for a chic video. In “Arms” Christina talks about her fears of being loved because she doesn’t want to hurt her lover. She feels that if she leaves him then she can’t make him “bleed”.  The video is gorgeous. She starts off lying in bed next to her man. Christina falls asleep and then dreams she’s flying away. She falls into the ocean at one point…climbs onto a boat that is full of her band mates and rocks out in the rain. Perri does alot of flying in this video. She actually floats away with some balloons too. In the end she runs back to her man and chooses love despite her fears.

Enjoy for yourself:

Ms. Perri also has some beautiful lyric videos. I haven’t seen other artists do their own lyric videos but I’m also getting old and out of the loop lol. My favorite lyric video is “The Lonely”. She personifies loneliness in this song. The video is enchanting yet a bit chilling.

You can find her song  “A Thousand Years” on the “Breaking Dawn” soundtrack from “Twilight”. I would have walked down the aisle to this song had it been around about 8 years ago. I leave you with a few lyrics:

Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I’m afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don’t be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I’ll love you for a thousand more

God bless and remember The High King Lives!

~Amber Dover