
The High King Lives

Virtual Friday: My Place September 19, 2013

Hello dear ones! Today you get to look inside my virtual home. It’s not fun being homeless in Second Life.  I must have a place to change in privacy and to gather my thoughts while exploring. It is so embarrassing to teleport to a strange sim and accidentally end up in the middle of craziness. If you don’t have a home to teleport to then you’re just stuck until you figure out where to go.

I’ve lived in many homes during my 5 (almost 6) years of being a virtual citizen :). I’ve lived in tiny apartments all the way to large plots of land where I had my own “amusement park” of sorts with hot air balloons and rideable dinosaurs. I try to make each place unique. I think the most fun I had was when I lived on a farm and planted corn and raised chickens. Well, I’ve got a new home again and I’d like to show you around.


Anywho, let me take you on the tour. My virtual home isn’t that different in taste as my real life home. I can afford nicer things in Second Life that’s all. Though I’m a child avatar my decor is somewhat more grown up than it is at my real home. I’ll always be a big kid. I’m pretty proud that I have “Sting”  (a replica of the dagger from Lord of the Rings) in RL. And I have dolls galore…that’s my real life home. So there’s not a major disconnect. Who I am flows pretty well from rl to Sl :).

front of house

I seem to like blue houses, The outside is similar to my last two houses but it’s much bigger inside. I’m allowed to have lots of prims so I was able to decorate more than usual. Here’s everything all empty.


The Living Room~ I hope you click and make these bigger. I love this fireplace and how it has an ocean theme. I would so put candles in my fireplace if I had one in rl. I also like the candles in the glass jars and the black bird wall clings. If you see the picture bigger you can look at all my little pictures of my SL experiences over the years.  The small pink piano really plays :).


A pink couch and a coffee table go together nicely as well as the candle in the jar. Those candles are fun to put everywhere. I had to put up my own blinds. I really value my privacy in the virtual world.


Near the front door I have a tree decal with more pictures of my SL life.  You can even see Chris’ avatar when he came on SL a couple of times.  My mom and my best bud Julie even visited me in Second Life. It was a great way to visit with my mom when she was in Texas. We “virtually” hung out :).


If you go straight you will enter the kitchen. I really enjoy this room and my mini furniture.

kitchen set

I just have to show you this kitchen set up close. I bought the pictures separate as a pack. The sayings are too cute.

kitchen set

You’ll see that i have a theme with the sparkly lights. This breakfast table takes up lots of prims but it’s worth it. The window view is spectacular as well.



Now from the other angle…I’m really into these wall clings. I’ve got a cat in a tree to the right and in the back I have Audrey Hepburn with a quote. She’s one of my favorite actresses.  You can get a small glimpse of my reading nook near the back door.


My reading nook

So near the back door I have an adorable little space that’s perfect for chilling out. Oh how I’d love to have this nook in real life.  But in a way it does feel real. That’s the thing, in Second Life I’m putting real time and money into the virtual world. I’m really experiencing the world although it’s a virtual space. I bump into real personalities that are hiding behind avatars. So it’s very real in one sense. I have real memories of places. For instance, that picture is one of my favorite pictures and though it’s just an image in Second Life it’s still mine and in my own personal spot of the virtual world. It’s in my “house” right now as I type and though I’m not “home” others could go to my virtual house and see that picture at anytime.  So it’s existing without me even there. That’s pretty far out, huh?


I’ve got a cup of coffee on the table and several books. Some of my virtual books open up to real books that I can read online.  I have my “hippy” guitar which represents me pretty well…though I’m not a hippy…more like a free spirit.

Come back to the living room and instead of going straight you’ll take a right down the hall. On the left is my dressing room. It has no windows so it’s perfect. I brought out the glitz and glam factor with more twinkling lights.


Mirrors don’t actually work in Second Life but they are still pretty. A pose stand always comes in handy. You can get them at most stores for free with your clothing or hair purchase.


The vanity is a bit big I admit.


The room across the hall on the right is for ballet.  I was actually a ballerina for a short time in high school. But those days are behind me, in real life that is. I have a pink tutu and pink ballet slippers on the wall. The ballet bar comes with different moves and it’s fun to play with.


All the way down the hall to the end and on the right, you’ll see the playroom. Okay…so I don’t have my own playroom in real life.  I don’t play with my Barbie dolls anymore. I guess Sims and Second Life are my virtual doll houses. So I guess in a sense, I kept my childhood vow that I would never quit playing dolls lol. Oh don’t look at me that way. If you’re a fellow writer then you are doing the same exact thing in your head…playing dolls ;). The plots just thicken as adults.


I love this picture in the play room. My faith is apparent even in SL. I choose to be true to who I am the best I can whether in sl or rl.


At the end of the hall across from the playroom is my bedroom. It’s such a peaceful and lovely place. In real life I wouldn’t be showing you much of my bedroom because it’s always a mess (husband+ bedroom= never ending mess).  Well, it may surprise you but in this home I never have a mess ;). I’ve got my SL Bible on the table. It really works.  The butterfly decal on the wall reflects my inner child very well. Oh, the bed has poseballs for jumping, sleeping, and reading.


Here’s where I have my writing desk. I also have big pictures on the wall of some of my favorite SL pictures as a kid avatar. If you’ve kept up with my blog then you may remember those experiences. The desk has several poses for writing, reading, and even sleeping.


I almost forgot to show you the park next to my house. You may have a heart attack from too much cuteness. Yes, I have a giant bunny next to my home. At least he’s friendly.  Again, that’s the nice thing about being a child avatar and living in a family community…it’s so much safer. You don’t have to worry about vampires and zombies trying to kill you or other weird SL citizens.  Yeah, I’m not into all that.


Anywho, that’s the tour. Last year, I visited some neat places  during the Fall. I’m not sure if they are still there because of course sims shut down and start up all the time. Very few sims are steady. But you can check them out if you like. Here’s my post from last Autumn:

God bless & remember the High King lives! ~Amber Dover


Virtual Friday: The Indie Art Town, Ghostville September 13, 2013

Hello dear ones! I have a sweet sim to show you today. Ghostville has no ghosts. It’s actually named after the artist and it’s creator Cica Ghost (her SL name I’m sure).  All of you fellow Second Life and virtual explorers, I have not forgotten you.

heart flowers

It’s been super busy around here in rl (real life).  Also I virtually moved again. So I set my new place up before I went exploring. Then I got a new wardrobe. Anywho, my avatar is set so I can start exploring again. PS: remember you can click on these to see them better. When I post big pics it always cuts off the picture. Maybe one day wordpress will have more size options.


I’ll show more pics of my new place next week. Now on to Ghostville.  The SL Destination Guide describes this sim as having an indie-child style. I’ve never heard of such a thing but I guess it fits. Ghostville definitely feels child like, with stick figures popping up everywhere.

You can visit Ghostville hereVisit MetaLES (234, 145, 32)

When I got there I was greeted by a pleasant rain storm…of hearts (the cute kind, not the bleeding ones).


I found animated pictures of stick figures in all the photogenic areas.

Happy Couple

And there are plenty of places to take great photos.


stick people

The details are beautiful


It felt like I had stepped into an artist’ journal.

The Wall




clock 2

The artist, Cica, left her mark.



Ghostville is a pleasant sim where you can relax and think happy thoughts. I recommend you pay a visit.


Well, thanks for joining me again as we explore Second Life and occasionally other virtual worlds.  I hope to show you my place next Friday. It has it’s own indie appeal. I think you’ll like it. Every time I move I try to decorate my new home differently. Meanwhile, I’ll try to explore more cool haunts ;).

God bless & remember the High King lives! ~Amber Dover


Virtual Friday: Trendy Shops in SecondLife August 17, 2012

Hello friends :). I’m taking a break from visiting real world replicas in Secondlife. I’m sure I’ll revisit that but before I take you in a new direction I’d like to show you some great shops. Way back when, I shared that my avatar was once an adult but I changed her to a little girl. My main reason was modesty. It is hard to dress an adult avatar modestly.

Also I was tired of guys trying to talk to me. All of the child avatars are actually adults in real life. SecondLife doesn’t allow kids to come on. Still there is a big rule on how child avatars are treated and how they are portrayed. So it is a much safer virtual world for the child-like avatar. Am I living my second child hood? Maybe…..I already do that in the real world pretty well. Also I don’t have a daughter to dress up so instead I dress up my avatar. Even if I did have a daughter I still think I would keep my avatar because I enjoy exploring the virtual world and I love to shop.

Shopping in SecondLife is very different than real life. First off 1000 lindens is worth $4USD. Lindens are the money used in SecondLife. Secondlife has it’s own real economy. People have real virtual jobs. I’ve never had a virtual job but I spend very little on my virtual hobby. My hubby doesn’t mind. Virtual shopping satisfies my shopping urge and keeps me from spending out in the real world. My avatar dresses better than me for sure. I  couldn’t afford those clothes in the real world and it’s much more time consuming in real life lol.  Also I love taking beautiful pictures. It’s so easy to take gorgeous pictures in Secondlife. There are some really creative & beautiful sims out there. I like to have the perfect outfit for my pics.

Moving on….so today I’m going to share some of my favorite shops. You can shop in-world or you can shop on the website (SecondLife marketplace). I have several clothes to model so make sure you can see pics. Also there are a few sneak peak pics of places we will be visiting in a couple of weeks ;). The links to visit these shops will be under their names. Of course you have to have a SecondLife account to go to these places.

Inner Peace

Visit Sassafras (73, 112, 24)

I was wearing the shirt wrong in the above pic. Below is the way the outfit is supposed to look. By the way, this is now my favorite store. I just wish I could afford everything in it lol.

Note: I got the doll from Larnia. We will see that shop shortly. Here is another great outfit from Inner Peace.

Baby Pie

I like to go to the marketplace for this store. I’ve visited it only a couple of time inworld.

I have several outfits from Baby Pie. They are very cute. Most of these outfits are only 50L (remember these are Lindens not dollars!). Their newer items will be 150L like most stores but just wait until the next season and they will be marked down. I just found out that the clothes I bought in the summer are already 5L to 25L! I really should’ve waited to buy. What a reduction!

BabyPie Iris outfit

BabyPie Valentine’s Outfit

BabyPie Untangled Outfit ~ you may remember this one. I believe I wore it when I visited the storybook land of “Where the Wild Things Are”.  I’m supposed to be Rapunzel from “Tangled”.

Baby Dolls Boutique~ this store if very similar to BabyPie . I only have one outfit from them. I really liked the inworld store. It had a very girly atmosphere. Everything sparkled :).

Visit Starlight Starbright (128, 109, 22)

Here is my one outfit: Alice in Wonderland. I do plan on visiting this store again.

Larnia~ I LOVE this place. They have some of the best priced and gorgeous princess gowns. I will be wearing some of their dresses in my upcoming adventures. Also I found my “Bebe” dolly right next to their store.

Visit Aquamarine Island (146, 179, 22)

Camp Cutie fall/winter outfit~ sorry the pic is so dark

Red Princess Dress ~ You will see more of this beauty later. It was perfect for pictures!

Green Evening Gown~ Guess where I am 😉

Vicarious Vitae ~ Had a lot of cheap but cute clothes.

Visit Somersley Shore (152, 156, 30)

I found a lovely Dorothy Costume here. Hmmmm…that makes me wonder if there’s an Oz replica in SL. I’ll have to look into that…

I rarely buy jewelry in SL but I do have a few pieces. I bought them at the marketplace online at two stores. My favorite is Undefined Lilies and I have visited their store inworld as well. The other was DooDads. I only like their jewelry.

Undefined Lilies – this place is so classy.

Visit Imogen (128, 146, 30)

My lovely nesting doll necklace called “Miss Matron’s Secret”

DooDads Jewelry

Note: When shopping in the marketplace it is always cheaper to pay with Lindens than with paypal or credit card. You can  exchange Lindens for cash a lot cheaper inworld than in the marketplace.

Ice Cream Sundae Jewelry~ these are very child like.

Camera Necklace ~ great for me since I’m always a tourist 🙂 The outfit is from Inner Peace.

Darling Bear Earrings

Butterfly Jewelry

Aura’s ~ I didn’t get to shop here because I didn’t want to spend so much. But they had some really great clothes. I’ll have to save up 🙂 They had a good bit of costumes and ball gowns.

Visit Saone (176, 223, 54)

Slumberland~ has some nifty furniture. I’ve yet to buy anything but I got a great Hello Kitty table as a freebie. It’s pictured at the beginning of my post. I’m having tea with dolly at it lol.

Visit Slumber Land (132, 119, 49)

Lastly, another hint of things to come ;). Oh, and the dress came from Inner Peace.

Well, I’m excited about all the nifty places we will be exploring in the weeks to come.

God bless & remember the High King lives! ~Amber Dover

PS: If you are a fellow child avatar in SecondLife and you’d like to share your favorite shops…please leave them in the comments. Thanks for sharing! 🙂