
The High King Lives

Virtual Friday: Picturesque Alirium September 28, 2012

Hello friends and welcome to Virtual Friday! Last time I showed you a couple of picturesque castles in the virtual world of Second Life. Today I want to show you the beautiful Alirium. This place was made for picture taking. You can experience all four seasons in Alirium. I’m pretty sure I stayed in the Fall section……though once I could have been in Spring. They kind of blurred together. Enjoy the pics! 🙂

Here’s the link to visit for yourself:

Visit alirium (93, 132, 21)

So this is either fall or spring. It’s hard to tell…

Maybe this was summer?

We’re making pancakes and bacon here (well actually Chris is….I love my man). Sorry, all I can give you is the virtual stuff. It’ll be done in a few minutes. If I can just get this virtual kiddie stove to work…..

he he he 🙂 God bless and remember the High King lives! ~Amber Dover


Inspirational Wednesday: Truth or Consequences (Adrian Rogers) September 26, 2012

Hello friends, I hope you’re having a lovely week. I wanted to share with you a message I heard on the radio this morning about truth (link below). Adrian Rogers has already passed to be with our Lord but you can still hear his messages on the radio. You know the worst deception is hard to spot. It comes dressed up as truth but inside it’s poison. It may appear to be Christian even but actually be demonic to it’s core. I don’t think all teachers who lie actually know they are lying. Sometimes people are so used to telling lies that they start to believe them themselves.  A little lie may not seem like a big deal but consider this: Rat poison is about 98% good food and only 2% poison (may vary with brands). Most false doctrine is the same. A small lie can kill.

We all lie and we are all liars. We are slaves to sin and do not have the ability to be righteous on our own. We will always fall short (according to God’s standards and His is the only standard that matters). It is only by Jesus Christ that we can be free. He IS our righteousness. Relationship with Jesus Christ (God’s son) is vital. He is the source of Truth. He IS truth. The closer we are to him the harder it is to lie. To walk away from God (our life source) is like the earth moving away from the sun. Naturally there is only death (spiritually). Salvation is more than a happy afterlife. It’s about real life on earth as well. Why would anyone reject true freedom?

I dare you to get to know Jesus. The best source is the Bible. It was written shortly after Christ ascended into Heaven. Please don’t base your view on writings done in the 4th century hundreds of years after Christ came. Lies about Jesus were being spread even in the ancient days. The best source is from those who were actually with Jesus and who were willing to die for him once he resurrected and they realized He is God. Remember to read God’s word in context. Get to know the culture.

Enjoy the radio message below. God bless & remember the High King lives! ~Amber Dover


Crafty Monday: Preparing for Fall & Crafts of Fall Past September 24, 2012

Hello friends 🙂 I hope you are well. Michael and I had a bit of a rough week so we did not do any body crafts. We did do some crafts for trumpets at our Homeschool group. My buddy Hannah taught our group about the feasts.  Here are a few pics. Then I want to get into fall decor and some of the fall crafts we did last year. Enjoy 🙂

Hannah showing off her talit and my shofar (that a dog we had chewed. It was from Israel too 😥   )

Michael working on his shofar. You can see the flag he made too.

I LOVE fall! My house isn’t that big and it’s cluttered but just a few special touches can make it cozy. It’s amazing how much candlelight can hide a multitude of sins dirty dishes. Scented candles and splashes of fall colors give my home a warm feeling. My Mom says my house feels and smells like fall.

I had fun painting this fall plaque last year 🙂

Theses are the scents I used: Simmering Apple Cider, Fresh Baked Cookies, Gooey Marshmallow S’more, Spiced Pumpkin Pie, and Pecan Pie. Apple Cider & Fresh Baked Cookies are my favorite scents. They aren’t too strong. The S’more candle is great in the bathroom. (I purposely left the Once dvds in the pic. New episodes this Sunday. Yaaa!)

I painted this picture of Chester (Winchester) last year when he was a kitten.

Here is the inspiration for the painting.

Here is Chester now. Still sweet and you can tell he has Siamese in him. He’s so vocal. He didn’t want to pose though.

I saw this painting idea on a blog and decided to make my own version. This was also done last year.

We will be celebrating Sukkot in a week. This will be our fifth year. We’ve had a family tradition of painting fall plates for the fall feasts. One year we made a t-shirt instead and last year we painted a Sukkot mug. Chris was with us and he really wanted something with pirates. So on the outside I painted pumpkins/leaves and on the inside I painted it black and red for pirates.

The saying is “to err is human. to arr is pirate!”

Michael likes to put fall stickers all over the windows 🙂

Can you believe this owl kitchen towel was only a dollar. I love owls.

The scarecrow centerpiece is actually a fall version of the yarn cardholders I do at Christmas. My grandma taught me how to do these.

I got this lovely basket at Michael’s. The pumpkins (all but one) and the corn are real. I found the scarecrow at Goodwill. He looked like he needed a home. The basket says “autumn”.

Now for old pics. Last year when we made the mug we also painted a black kitty in honor of Chester. We were (well I was) obsessed with black cats because of our own kitty. He looked so picturesque with the fall colors!

I made this child like banner with felt and craft sticks. It’s in Michael’s homeschool room now.

Michael and I both worked on these pipe cleaner fall trees. We glued them inside styrofoam cups. I hated to throw these away. They look like Dr. Seuss trees.

When Chester was a kitten he was narcoleptic. He fell asleep while Michael was playing the piano!

I don’t remember where I got all these ideas. It was before I found Pinterest. I love this cardboard kitty.

I LOVE inchies :). I got this idea from thatartistwoman blog (on my blogroll)

Okay last Chester pic. He’s just sooo cute!

Paper Bag pumpkins- I did these for our homeschool group last year. I loved them so much that me and mom made more at home.

Wow, last year was so much easier math-wise……

Oh wait….Chester shows up again lol. I made these fall peg dolls last year. I hope to make a better version this year.

Mr. Scarecrow, Mrs. Pumpkin, Mr. Pumpkin, and Chester

The tile pumpkin was a fail but I still like it.

Fall Sensory Box

Michael painting fall leaves and he also did a still life painting.

Fall Owl in the moonlight 🙂

This is a poster I made for the Book It program with Pizza Hut. We will be doing it again this year. Michael won free pizzas for meeting his reading goals.

Last September we focused on farms. I love this barn silhouette. Michael just painted the sky and pasted the silhouette.

This was too cute and really simple. Just print a pig on pink construction paper and use brown paint to have a muddy piggy.

Fingerprint cows 🙂

Michael as a farmer with his tractor. T for tractor :).

Wow, we are finally at the end. That was a lot of pictures. I hope to start fall crafts this week and to have some fall adventures with little man. If Summer has a bucket list then Fall definitely deserves one. I’m getting so excited about what’s coming (Lord willing). I hope you have a lovely fall week. May it be crisp and full of spice 🙂

God bless & remember the High King lives! ~Amber Dover


My Family Rocks! Sunday: Survival Skills & Depression living September 23, 2012

In this Post: survival skills, depression living/cooking, and getting back to the simple life…if possible

Hello friends, I’ve been meaning to do this post since Labor Day but just got to it.  The weekend before Labor Day, Michael and I enjoyed a labor day festival with my Mom and Step Dad (Kim). Petting zoo, pony rides, barbecue, and a big slide. We finished right before the big rain hit. Pics Below. Mom and I had planned to get pedicures and relax. You know what they say about the best laid plans…..more on that

Labor Day Fun

So Mom and I got caught in the big thunder storm while checking out this Labor Day book sale. I had called Walmart to see if the Nail Salon would be open and they said yes. Well, they lied. It was closed and we were sad. Our feet hurt from walking all day and we really needed some girl time. Michael was with Chris.

So I encouraged Mom that we should use the nail money on our own pedicure stuff. We both bought foot bath machines that make bubbles. I got the cheap $5 one but it worked. Then we got the nail polish, lots of junk food, and pedicure stuff (nail file etc…lotion). We locked ourselves in my room and Michael made a “girls only” sign for us. We hung out on my bed and soaked our feet while watching “Once Upon a Time” episodes. It was great. A third of the way through it began to storm real bad and the electricity went out.

Girl’s Night

Thankfully I had already bought a couple of oil lamps and matches etc in case of a hurricane or economic disaster (you never know these days). We had planned on having a Beans and Rice night Friday where we would only use candle light etc. But that night never happened. Instead we got a taste of the old days unexpectedly  ahead of time.

Chris found a few candles and his flashlight hat. We had to soak the wick in oil for 15 minutes before we could use the oil lamp. The oil smelled horrible. By the end of the night we were opening windows. I remember using oil lamps as a kid.

My parents had hard times in the beginning. Sometimes our electric got cut off and we used these big oil lamps. They didn’t have handles like the cheap ones from Walmart. I don’t remember them smelling so bad either. It was kind of magical. I also remember that Mom & Granny made me keep silent during thunderstorms. We were supposed to listen and have awe at God’s work. So many beautiful memories from the simple life. I guess I got the best of both worlds from American poverty (with a single Mom) and Middle Class living on my Dad’s family. I gotta say though…I learned the most from simple things. Back then it was a celebration to have candy bars.

Oil Lamps

Board Games– While I painted Mom’s nails by candle light/lamp light, Chris and Michael played board games by lamp light. What else can you do without electricity? We do have a weather & emergency radio that has a power crank and solar panels.

I loved listening to the radio with my Dad after he became a minister. We didn’t have a tv for awhile and radio shows like Adventures in Odyssey were my favorite. Family radio time would be nice to start.

I didn’t get a pic of the guys playing  games. But we did recently get a Pilgrim’s Progress board game. It’s fun. The first person to the Celestial City wins. That night we had candles everywhere and Chris and I read books by candle light. He’s reading this series by Isaac Asimov and I’m reading C.S. Lewis’ space trilogy. It felt romantic to read by candle light. Also it made me sleepy and the whole next week I got up early every day.

Chris’ cat food can stove– a cat food can with holes punched around the side. Methanol fuel (Heet-yellow bottle).

Chris is so talented. He can make a stove out of little cans. The night of the storm, he made coffee on his cat food can stove. (Edit: The other night the electricity went out and we were able to make spaghetti and scrambled eggs on these stoves.)

We’ve yet to start our Beans and Rice night but I am learning what I can about Depression living…how people lived in economic hardship. We already have water and food stored. I have a big thing of powdered milk in a plastic container and other basic foods. Overall, I know God will always provide. I can’t predict the future and my preparations may be in vain. Who knows? Still it doesn’t hurt to be prepared.

I found this delightful cooking show on youtube by this woman in her 90’s. The show is over now but it really makes you feel like you’re being taught by Grandma.  Her channel and a good video is below. I’ve known for awhile that dandelions are edible. I just never knew HOW to eat them. I thought you could eat the flower. I’m glad I didn’t try. Clara shows us how to make Dandelion Salad.

Dandelion salad

Depression Cooking with Clara

Clara makes homemade pizza and homemade spaghetti sauce in her videos. I wanted to make sauce but never got to it. We sort of made homemade pizza. I’ll admit….we bought the dough. It was almost supper time when I realized how long homemade pizza dough would take. So yes….we took the easy way. And the sauce came from a can. We did slice up some veggies. The pizza was good but next time I think we should bake the crust before putting on the toppings. It was a bit soggy.

Homemade Pizza

Herbs– when I do make my sauce I will have fresh herbs. I have basil and oregano in the kitchen window. As you can see I have some of the leaves drying on fishing line that’s hanging up.

Survival books- If we had to live in the woods we are somewhat prepared. We have back packs with survival stuff in them. We also have some neat survival books. I highly recommend these books. It’s just good stuff to know.

#1 Extreme Survival– this book gives you the basics of how to survive in any environment. It teaches you how to make so many things from scratch. If we had to live in the wilderness then this book would be 2nd to my Bible.

#2 Edible Wild Plants– this is a small book with lots of colorful pictures. It shows you what is edible in your own back yard etc. It also shows the poisonous plants.

#3 Medicinal Plants and Herbs– what if you couldn’t afford the doctor or you DID have to survive in the wild? This book shows you the medicinal benefits of plants. I know Elderberry has been real helpful when my family gets sick.

Well, hopefully we will go camping soon for Sukkot. Maybe I will finally be able to start a fire on my own. I’m just glad I have my own wilderness man 😉 lol. My hubby roasted a chicken on a spit he made when we camped a couple of years ago. Go Chris!

God bless and remember the High King lives!~Amber Dover


Crafty Monday: The Human Body part 2 September 17, 2012

Hello dear ones 🙂 I hope you had a lovely weekend! This past week we continued our study on the human body. This week we will finish our studies which actually isn’t a whole month long as I thought it’d be. We’ve watched so many Beakman videos lol. I’m ready for fall stuff! We also had Canada day at our homeschool group.

Here’s where I get my ideas:

Body system videos:

Circulatory System- Michael colored the heart and put it on his body. We watched several videos on blood and the circulatory system.

I put a mini marshmallow on a tooth pic and balanced it on my wrist. You’re supposed to see the tooth pic move with your pulse. We had a hard time seeing it.

Then we made “Blood”. We used yellow food coloring and water to make plasma, marshmallows as white blood cells, red fruit loops for red blood cells, and purple fruit loops for the platelets. I thought the fruit loops would change the color of the water but I had to add red food coloring to it. Michael did NOT drink this. It was just for looks 🙂

The next day we went over the lymphatic system. No body crafts that day….just videos.

This was a really good set of videos:

We did finish our salt dough map of Canada. We didn’t feel like painting so Michael used markers.

I found these great old text books at a Labor Day book sale. Here is a picture of two of them. The books cover plant info, how things works, fables & fairy tales, space, animals etc…. Michael read about the seasons in The Green Kingdom book and then chose Friday to read about pipes in How Things Work. I guess that’s a guy thing lol.

Wednesday we learned about the Digestive System. We played the Digestive System game here:

Click to access digestive_handout2.pdf

Michael enjoyed getting his piece out of the body. LOL As tacky as it is, I made body sounds to go with it. Hey, he’s a BOY ;P

Thursday we talked about the urinary system. Michael had a giggle with that too. No body crafts but we had a lovely time learning about Canada at our homeschool group. Pics etc at the end.

Friday we learned about skin and how it heals. We also learned briefly about hair and nails. Beakman had fantastic info. Btw we never watch the whole show, only the parts about the body. We skip the weird stuff.

Chris helped Michael stamp his finger prints.

Now, onto Canada….

My buddy Rachel also posted pictures from the Canada project. She talks more about it than I’m going to. Check out her awesome blog 🙂

If you like my blog at all you will love hers. She has a great post on Mayflower day.

I made a Canadian Flag cake. Michael helped mix it. He cracked his first egg which was kind of funny 🙂

It’s chocolate with vanilla icing and strawberries…….and it came out of a box. It was a bit difficult to get the strawberries to look right.

Rachel made a Canadian flag vegetable tray and Hannah made beef stroganoff. We had some awesome food!

Michael and I took the Five Iron Frenzy song “Oh, Canada” and made it more kid friendly with some lyric changes. It was goofy and great.

Here’s the video of us singing it. Oh, and I heard the comment at the end ladies 😉 lol. I promise William Shatner was in the original song. The poster is just to give the kids something to look at. You are right. I do like Star Trek. If I would’ve had my way Michael would have worn his Captain Kirk costume. He didn’t want to though…party pooper :(. Poor kid has a crazy mom!

Hannah and Olivia made a neat Canada lapbook.

Rachel’s little girl Maggie made a really detailed salt dough map. It’s beautiful:)

We learned about Canadian Currency. The price of milk is outrageous!

William Shatner is a native citizen of Canada. He’s in our song that’s why I mentioned him above.  So Michael wrote a letter to him in his work book. I wonder if we should really mail it……

Michael got a stamp in his “passport”

This weekend we celebrated the Feast of Trumpets early. That’s in my Sunday post. Well, Saturday Michael and I started this Revelation booklet. Find it here:

Click to access RevProject14.pdf

This is one of the pictures Michael colored. He drew God on His throne behind the door.

We’ve been talking a lot about Heaven and the rapture lately. Michael says he wants to slide on a rainbow when he gets to Heaven. Why not? Michael asked Chris what he wanted to do. Chris wanted to hunt a dinosaur. Since there is no death in Heaven Chris would have to just play hide and seek with the dino/dragon. LOL the thought makes me smile! I think I would pick everyone’s brain there…..I have so much to ask and I would explore a lot probably.

We know our glorified bodies won’t be ghosts because Jesus’ glorified body took solid form and he even ate with his disciples after His resurrection. He did materialize where he wanted etc but the disciples were able to touch the scars in his hands.  Heaven is going to be fun…….the ability to eat but only if we feel like it. No starvation and no obesity! The ability to travel in an instant from one place to another. Many see it as paradise before the fall but even better. We know the tree of life will be there and a river from the throne of God……golden streets. It’s so exciting!

God bless & remember the High King lives! ~Amber Dover

The Human Body Part1:

Crafty Monday: The Human Body part 1


My Family Rocks! Sunday: Toy Gun Fight Date Night & Creamy Chicken Pockets September 16, 2012

Hello dear ones 🙂 If you didn’t see my post on the Feast of Trumpets I hope you check it out. Usually I only do one Sunday post but I wanted to do two for the holidays.  This past Thursday the hubby and I had an interesting date night. We played games on the PlayStation and then we had a toy gun fight. I found these toy guns at Walmart that shoot little balls filled with water. They remind me of paint guns. You just put the pellets in water and they grow. I admit they hurt some when they hit depending on how close you are. It was a brief sting though….nothing like a large paint ball hitting you.

I learned that I have horrible aim. Chris completely took me down lol. Hey Hannah and James, if we double date we could play capture the flag :). Seriously, there is nothing wrong with doing something spontaneous and fun for an adult date. I’d also like to try laser tag and Nerf guns. So friends, do any of you have fun date night ideas? Outdoor games? Something free? Please leave it in the comment section. Remember to keep everything PG 😉

Creamy Chicken Pockets

Chris actually made this Pinterest idea.  He did a wonderful job. We served these with green beans.

Moments in my week

Snowball, our guinea pig, helps Chris with his homework twice!

The guys playing football

God bless & remember the High King lives! ~Amber Dover


My Family Rocks! Sunday: The Feast of Trumpets

Hello friends and may God bless you. There have been perilous times lately but we know that God holds us in His hands. Friday night we celebrated the Feast of Trumpets early with our best friends Hannah & James. The real time starts tonight (Sept 16th) at sun down in Israel and goes through Sept 18th. I believe an extra day was added because no one is sure when the actual day of the feast is. As I explain the feast, enjoy the pics from our celebration.

The kids blowing toy Shofars as we look forward to Christ’ return 

Here’s more info on the Feast of Trumpets (a.k.a. Rosh Hashanah/ Yom Teruah):

We enjoyed our own feast at Ruby Tuesdays before heading to our house. Pic of Olivia and Michael

Jesus Christ fulfilled the Spring Feasts. He was/is the Passover Lamb, he was buried during the feast of Unleavened Bread, and He rose on First Fruits. The Holy Spirit was sent on Pentecost. Many (including me) believe Jesus was born in the fall during Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles).

Pic: Lighting Hannah’s Menorah. We sang Happy Birthday to the world because it is believed Trumpets is the birthday of creation.

Hannah, Olivia, Liam, and my Michael

So the two feasts left on God’s timeline are Trumpets and Yom Kippur (day of atonement). Many believe the rapture will happen during Trumpets since it is often called the unknown day and hour. People did not know the time of the feast until the rabbi blew the Shofar (Ram’s horn). Also it is said that the last trump in 1 Corinthians 15:52 is the last trumpet (shofar) sounded at the end of Trumpets. Also as you read in the article, Trumpets draws a picture of the Groom coming for his Bride which lines up with the Marriage supper of the Lamb. People believe that Yom Kippur will be fulfilled on Judgement Day. Decide for yourself what you believe.

Our Besties James, Hannah, and Liam (Olivia is their little girl & Michael’s future wife lol)

Like Chris’ new look? He has a pony tail now 🙂

We celebrate the feasts to remember what God has done and to look forward to what He is going to do. The fall season is my favorite time and I LOVE Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles).  Of course, the feasts have nothing to do with salvation. Salvation only comes by Jesus Christ. The feasts were/are shadows and pictures of God’s plan for humanity shown through Jesus Christ.

Mmmmmm dessert 🙂

Will Jesus return on Trumpets some day? We will just have to find out. As you can see, it’s hard to know the actual time of the feast. Also the calendars have changed so much.  We do know that Christ WILL return one day for His church. So we must always be watching and waiting. We must shine the light in this world while we remain.

Liam enjoying his cupcake 🙂

Hannah and James enjoying dessert

End times?

Liam “selling” Krispy Kremes to Olivia and Michael

Me and my buddy and her kiddos

The most important thing is do YOU know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Please don’t put it off. This decision will change your life. Links below with more info. My prayers are with you all! God bless & remember the High King lives & He will return!

~Amber Dover

Inspirational Wednesday: Justice & Mercy: Finding the Balance


Video Error September 11, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — amberdover @ 11:49 am

Hi dear ones, my first video was wrong. The link messed up. It’s supposed to be the telegraph line about the Nervous system. You can find it on their playlist on youtube. I’ve been having this issue a lot. I copy the right link but it still shows up wrong. It’s weird. Well, sorry for the inconvenience! 

God bless & remember the High King lives!~ Amber Dover



Crafty Monday: The Human Body part 1 September 10, 2012

Hello everyone 🙂 I hope you had a wonderful weekend! I’m enjoying a foot soak and a movie. We played Bingo at the nursing home today. I push the prize cart and the residents holler bingo quicker than I can get to them….and usually several at once lol! Mondays are always crazy. Last week, we started our study on the body. It will take a month. This past week we covered the nervous system, the reproductive system (that was interesting lol), the respiratory system, the skeletal system, and the muscular system. Enjoy the pics and I hope you can use the info.

The guinea pig sleeping while Michael read to her 🙂

You can find a lot of these body ideas on my pinterest:

We started out by tracing Michael’s body on a long sheet of paper.

This link is for videos of all the systems:
The Brain

I put contact paper to put on this brain puzzle print out. Michael colored a brain for body paper.

Michael watched this video about the Nervous System:

The Lungs

Michael colored lungs for his body. We watched youtube videos and Beakman’s world on Netflix about the respiratory system. We did the balloon experiment to see how lungs work. I cut the bottom out of a soda bottle. You put the balloon in the bottle and over the lip of the bottle. Then you put plastic around the bottom of the bottle.  Simply move the bottom of the plastic up and down.  Here are the results.

Breathing out

Breathing In


This was a fun day. Michael put a leg bone on his body paper. I cut out a little skeleton and we both used brads to put it together.

We watched several videos on bones. Here’s a good one:

Michael made an x-ray hand print

Thursday Michael just watched videos on the muscular system and cut out leg muscles for the body.

Friday we talked about the reproductive organs. Michael glued the boy parts on. They will be covered up when the body is finished.  Pic of the body below:

Thursday we also had our homeschool group. We worked on passports which we ended up finishing at home. We will be using our passport for country studies at the group. I think once a month.

Michael and his buddies Olivia and Liam. For some reason the man hole is a popular spot for the kids. I guess it feels magical to them lol…I don’t know!

For gym the kids jumped rope. I was proud of Michael for trying 🙂

I tried to show him the ropes….pun intended 😉

We finished the week with a Magic school house video. Also this vid:

I worked on this felt body over the weekend. It was another Pinterest idea.

Innards 🙂

Skeleton- I know the rib cage is missing. I used the pattern they provided.

Skin and clothes

Well, more about the body next week. Also, we will be sharing our Canada project. God bless & remember the High King lives!~Amber Dover

The Human Body Part 2:


Media Saturday: The Odd Life of Timothy Green & Happy Anniversary Star Trek! September 8, 2012

Hello friends and welcome to Media Saturday! 🙂 First off, happy anniversary Star Trek! Live long and prosper! We never watched the newer series but the whole family enjoyed the original series. My Dad first introduced me to Captain Kirk. Mom you know it’s coming lol. Here’s a pic from a fall festival. Michael was Captain Kirk, Mom was Spock, and I was a random Vulcan or Romulan.

Mom was staying with us at the time and we would all sit and sing the theme song when it came on. Enjoy the vid 🙂

Secondly, The Odd Life of Timothy Green is such a gem! I loved this movie and it almost brought me to tears. It was one of the most family friendly movies I’ve seen in awhile. The movie is a beautiful story of this childless couple who are told they will never have children. Then a miracle happens when a boy grows out of their garden and they get a chance to be parents. They learn many things about parenting from “Timothy”. One of my favorite scenes is when the social worker asks them what they would do differently with parenting and they say “Make better mistakes.”  The couple is telling the social worker about their experiences with parenting (with Timothy). This movie is very pro-adoption. It’s beautiful. For a more detailed review go to:

Plugged In doesn’t leave out details. Though a movie may have one or two questionable parts (most do- it would be easy to pick apart any movie), Plugged In says the most during their summaries.

“It’s a double bonus that a film so much about family makes it easy for the whole family to watch together. Timothy Green is almost completely devoid of problematic content, and it’s a rare circumstance for a wide-release, live-action film to be this clean, this instructive and this enjoyable.”

~ Plugged In

Michael enjoyed the movie and I believe Timothy is a good role model. Young children won’t appreciate this movie so much. They will probably just think it’s kewl that Timothy has leaves growing on his legs.

Here’s the Trailer

God bless & remember the High King lives! ~Amber Dover

PS: You may have noticed that I’ve removed most of my pictures from previous posts unless they were taken by me. I’m really trying to be careful with copyright. I don’t want to accidentally mess up, so some of my posts won’t have pictures. Sorry friends.