
The High King Lives

Virtual Friday: Ambient Concert in Second Life October 4, 2013

Hi friends! Come check out this concert with me going on right now. I’m not sure how much longer it will last.  But Aldo is playing live ambient music for a New Moon concert over here on Music Island. It’s really pretty and interesting music. There’s a decent crowd but still plenty of space. This is the first concert I’ve been to on Music Island and the talent is great!

Link to visit: Visit VIRTLANTIS Community (223, 38, 24)

God bless & remember the High King lives! ~Amber Dover

PS: Here are some pics from tonight.

AMbient Music

AldoManutionNew Moon




Virtual Friday: Christmas Ballets and Such December 14, 2012

Hello friends and Merry Christmas! I pray you are having a lovely week. I finally got to to see ballet pixelle perform in Second Life. I was a couple of minutes late and my graphics card doesn’t do so well but I made it. I was able to see their rendition of The Nutcracker, “The Nut”. It wasn’t the same as real life of course but it was pretty good for virtual ballet. I think it would’ve been better if I had a better graphics card. Here are some lovely pics :).

If you’re new to my site, this is the day I show you the virtual world of Second Life. What is SL? Find out here:

“The Nut” was performed live at the Rose Theatre at the Angel Manor sim.

Visit Angel Manor (160, 4, 31)

There was a large audience for an SL event. I almost couldn’t get in because there were too many people. If you know anything about virtual worlds then you know that sims can only handle a certain amount of people (avatars). Too many people equals a ton of lag.


My graphics aren’t the greatest but I got a few good pics of the ballerinas.



Clara and the Nutcracker



sugarplum fairy

Afterwards there was a gala with a live musician! Am Quar (his SecondLife name, Andre Massicotte is his real name) was fantastic. He’s from Canada and sang Jazz, Latin, and Christmas songs. At first I thought he was just the dj and that the music was prerecorded. But I tipped him and he thanked me by name. So he was performing live…..meaning in his home studio through Second Life. It didn’t sound karaoke at all. I looked on his info and the theatre was paying him 5,000 lindens an hour ($20 USD) which is a pretty penny for a virtual event.


I’m glad I wore my best dress because this was a ritzy event. I was the only kid avatar there so that was a bit awkward. I found one dance that was appropriate for a kid avatar. I danced around like a ballerina. It would seem that virtual dancing would be boring but you’d be amazed how easy it is to get immersed in a virtual experience. It really feels like you’re there to a point. That’s why I like SL in the winter….sometimes it feels like there really is snow. SL is great for sick people. If you’re bedridden then you can travel by computer :).


It’s interesting to watch all the people who show up to these things. Surprisingly there are several couples. Virtual dating is popular. It has been years since I got the hubby to come on SL with me. Now that I’m a kid avatar I don’t have to worry about some stranger asking me to dance. I have loaded up Chris’ avatar for an SL wedding I attended so it’d look like I had a date. Sad I know but who wants to go to a wedding alone?…even if my date was controlled by me lol.


So I was in such a good mood that I searched for other Christmas events. I teleported over to a “Tiny” Carol party. Tinies are small animal avatars. I think usually bunnies. Anywho, they didn’t really sing….just typed silly Carols. I was bored and found this place to skate while listening to a live concert.


The musician is an Elvis impersonator. He did alright I guess. He wasn’t as good as Am Quar. I didn’t stay very long…



I do have a couple of picturesque places for you to visit :).

Incendia was pretty. Visit Wishing Well (128, 187, 21)


close up


The Garden of Whimsy

Visit No Limits (94, 89, 21)

Garden of Whimsy

whimsical night

Learn about the different Christmas traditions around the world at: Visit Irish Tropical Escapes (56, 206, 23)


Timeless photography has several neat places for pics. Just make sure to stay in the family areas. They also have a great emoticater or something like that. I was able to make my avatar do expressions. I had too much fun with this tool!

Visit Kalamata (184, 105, 27)

Timeless photography


Well, I hope you check out these great places while they’re still up. If you have any suggestions for family friendly sims for winter/Christmas then please let me know in the comments :).

BTW, Dec 11th made 4 years that I’ve been in Second Life. I joined in 2008. It’s wild that it’s been that long. I do remember that I went to several prayer meetings in world and people prayed for my Dad. He died in 2009. So yeah, it’s been that long.

God bless & remember the High King lives! ~Amber Dover

PS: bonus pic, this is of my mom and I, when I had an adult avatar. Mom doesn’t come on SL anymore but we used to hang out there a lot especially when she lived in Texas. So we could only hang out virtually lol. Mom’s avatar is in blue.

Mom and me Skating

And two more… first apartment in SL. It was near an art gallery and very cozy. I had an ugly avatar and you can tell I was a noob (beginner).


This was a pretty Christmas pic when I was an adult avatar.

Christmas tree