
The High King Lives

Fourth of July Crafts and Our Second Family Olympics 2015 July 17, 2015

Hello dear ones, I hope you are well. Two years ago we had our first Family Olympics. You can find the link here:

This year we spent Independence Day having our second Family Olympics. I also have July 4th crafts to share with you. Here we go :).


We made 4th of July T-shirts.



Michael and Chris tie dyed a red, white, and blue shirt.




I used Leeland’s hand print and craft sticks to make this  U.S. flag onesie.


Michael did a lapbook on the U.S. flag. Link here:–Speedy-Lapbook



Then Michael made me a red, white, and blue necklace out of beads.


We also did a state lapbook. Link here:–Speedy-Lapbook


Then my mom came over for…



Family Olympics


I really love this event and I can’t wait until the next one. We should really have winter Olympics as well. We began by making our personal flags to represent us in the games. IMG_2394

We used index cards to keep score. Here are the events:

    • Archery



My Step Dad Kim










    • Foam Sword fighting

Me and Mom~ This was fun, but a word to the wise…make sure you zip up the trampoline if you use it. When Michael and I were sword fighting he actually fell through the unzipped part of the trampoline screen. Thankfully he didn’t hit his head too hard. It was scary though.




    • Airplane Toss



    • Egg Race


    • Sac Race


Then just for fun:

    • Parachute games



    • Michael’s 4th grade piano recital. He played The Star Spangled Banner and Amazing Grace.




All of us won at least one medal, but Kim won the trophy.


God bless & remember the High King lives! ~Amber Dover

More ideas:



Father’s Day Crafts & Our Trip to Jesup 2015

Hello dear ones! This past Father’s Day we visited our hometown and everyone got to meet the new baby. Leeland and Michael also made homemade crafts for Chris. It was a special Father’s Day. Here’s what we did:

I printed out a Father’s Day poem from here:

Then I put the boys’ foot prints on it. I also printed out a Darth Vader poster.

I helped the boys make Father’s Day books. IMG_2562




I stapled Daddy surveys to the back of the books. Here’s the link:


So we visited our hometown and saw our families. We saw Chris’ dad…


and we visited where my Dad is buried.



We visited my Granny.


My family didn’t want to let Leeland go.



My Uncle

My Aunt

My other grandparents

I loved playing with this Chess set as a kid.


Chris’ mom playing with Leeland


Chris’ older brother and Michael trying out his 3D plastic making pen.


Well, God bless & remember the High King lives! ~Amber Dover


Amber’s Taste of Belize & Outdoor Movies July 7, 2015

In this post: My special fruit drink that reminds me of Belize, outdoor movies, and a way to help the Belize Mission.
Hello dear ones! For Memorial Day (awhile back I know) we watched a movie outside with our projector and we had my special fruit drink “Amber’s Taste of Belize”. I’m giving you the ingredients…but not the amount. I’ve got to keep some of it a secret ;). There was this awesome fruit drink the hotel staff made for us on the Belize missions trip. I’ve tried to replicate it and this is as close as I could get.

Amber’s Taste of Belize

  • Cans of pineapple juice
  • orange juice
  • Cranberry Sierra Mist
  • Shaved ice





We finally bought a projector. It was worth the investment too. Outdoor movies rock! You may remember that a couple summers ago we dragged our t.v. outside for a redneck drive in on the trampoline. That post is here:

My Family Rocks! Sunday: Redneck Drive-in, Repentance Corner, & Summer Fashion

Well, that trampoline died and we got a new one with a net. It’s not very projector friendly, so we hung a bed sheet on the gazebo. Then we put tarps down and covered them with pillows and blankets.



We put the baby in his bassinet.


It was great fun. We also got a little pool. Leeland doesn’t mind the water until the wind hits him and he’s cold. We’re able to go to some pools for free too since my husband is a vet. It is very hot down here so we do what we can. It’s not as hot as it is in Belize though. We’ve also had several big thunderstorms…still not as bad as the monsoons in Belize. I miss Belize…lol. I really do. My church is about to go for a week. I will be home with the kiddos, but I hope to go back some day.


Hey, they do some awesome work there in Belize. They feed babies. They give them medicine like Tylenol so they don’t die of fever. The missionaries don’t take any money for themselves. They completely give of themselves for the people of Belize. They share the gospel. Help them out if you feel led.

Pray, give, and go :



God bless & remember the High King lives! ~Amber Dover


Mother’s Day and Leeland’s Dedication June 5, 2015

In this post: Mother’s day crafts, Leeland’s miracle story, and his dedication at church.


Hello dear ones! I shared our miracle testimony at church on Mother’s Day. Leeland was also dedicated during the service. First I’m going to show you what the boys made for Mother’s day and then I’ll post our testimony (text only. I’m unable to show the video at this time). Up above are the boys hands. I copied them with the printer. One pic has my hand too.

Michael made this ice cream paper that says: My Mom is loving, helping, feeding.

Flower prints for grandmas~ I used Michael’s hand prints and Leeland’s foot prints to make flowers for Nana (my mom) and Granny (Chris’ mom). Then we gave them pictures of the boys in their Easter best.



Our chalkboard door comes in handy during the holidays.


 Chris’ parents finally got to meet Leeland. He is their 6th grandson.



We dedicated Leeland at church…meaning we made a verbal commitment to raise Leeland to follow Jesus and the Bible.


We were given a certificate and special books. We’re still waiting on his first Bible.


Here’s the testimony I shared. It was great how God used it because I had people come up after and say how it encouraged them. One lady took a copy of this story to give her infertile daughter in law. I was asked to share during Sunday school too. I pray it blesses you as well.

“Hello, my name is Amber Dover.

James 1:17 says “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”

I’ve come to remind you that Father God is faithful and His timing is perfect. I pray my story encourages you.

My husband and I planned on having more children right after Michael, our eldest, was born. That was nine years ago. We tried year after year without success. Then our hearts broke about five years ago when we were told that we were both infertile and that we had three months to get pregnant or it’d never happen. We tried many things…fertility treatments that left me feeling sick, all sorts of natural remedies, and we even tried to adopt twins but the birth mother miscarried.



At first I grew very bitter. I longed for a second child more than anything. I bought baby clothes though I knew there would be no baby. I cried out to God but I felt he didn’t hear me. It felt like we were hitting a brick wall with every step we took. I eventually gave up trying because I was tired of wrestling with God. I came to the conclusion that only God could open or close my womb and that nothing I did would succeed unless God wanted it to. I was sick of negative pregnancy tests and getting my hopes up for nothing.


Fast forward to last year around this time. I’m finally content and settled. My husband tells me he wants to try for another child as soon as I get back from the missions trip to Belize. I’m here to tell you that God is faithful even when we are faithless. I agreed to try for another child but I told my husband not to get his hopes up. I knew it’d take a miracle for us to get pregnant and frankly I didn’t believe it was in God’s plans. I didn’t have much faith but I chose to pray like I did. I asked our Sunday school class here at church, to pray for us to have a miracle. This was not the first time I had asked a church for prayers in this matter. People had prayed for us on and off for 8 years. Again I tell you, that God’s timing is perfect.


Two months after returning from Belize, I became pregnant. It took awhile for me to believe it was true, but nine years later we have Leeland, our youngest son. He was worth the wait. Our family was reminded through this miracle that God is sovereign. He is the best parent and He loves to give good gifts. God heard my cry all of those years, just as He heard the cries of Sarah, Elizabeth, and Hannah in the Bible. God opens and closes the womb. He is just as much in control now as He was back in Bible days. I don’t know the state of your heart this Mother’s Day. Maybe you’re praying for a miracle. Maybe you feel alone and you think God doesn’t hear your cry. Dear one, your God hears you. He feels your pain. I don’t know God’s exact plan for your life, but I do know that if you belong to Jesus that He will work things out to the good. Satan has told humanity the same old lie since the garden of Eden, the lie that God is holding out on us. Dear one, God is not holding out on you. Jesus loves you and He has blessed you with all spiritual blessings. I end with theses verses from Ephesians.


“I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

Now to the Father who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”
God bless & remember the High King lives! ~Amber Dover


Easter 2015 April 27, 2015


Hello dear ones! I’m finally catching up on posts. It turns out that taking care of a newborn is hard work ;). It’s been a lil over three weeks and I think I’m finally getting into a decent routine. So Leeland was born April 2nd on Maundy Thursday. We got home from the hospital that Saturday and the next day was Easter Sunday. It was a looong day Saturday. We were busy adjusting to having a newborn at home. It was super late when Michael and I dyed eggs.

I saw a neat idea on Pinterest and gave it a try. I painted a few rocks with chalkboard paint. Then Michael wrote his sins/struggles on the rocks and put them in his Easter basket. I exchanged the rocks for goodies on Easter. I shared with Michael about God’s grace in taking our sins.

So after Michael went to bed I set out the boys’ Easter baskets. Leeland was too young to care of course, but I did get him some stuffed bunnies.

Here’s an Easter picture that Michael drew for his nana.

Leeland developed a love hate relationship for the Easter bunny, early on ;).

Chris and Michael went to church. The baby and I stayed home but we did get dressed up. My parents met up with us after church and came over for supper. My mom developed a cold right after Leeland was born, so she couldn’t hold him :(. We had a lovely dinner of KFC. Leeland took a long nap in his swing.He was so easy.
Then we went outside for a photo shoot. I put a blanket in a basket with plastic eggs and used that for Leeland’s pictures. Here he is choking the Easter Bunny. Caption should read “Come here bunny! We gotta talk!”
Then there’s the punch to the face. Poor bunny. Okay…my humor is a bit sadistic. I can’t help myself.
Here’s a beautiful picture of my two babies. Nine years apart. It’s wild!
Easter pic with my parents.
My stepdad holding the baby.
My parents. I love the wysteria growing in our back yard.
Tessa all dressed up.
Look! We found a baby!




My lovely family: Chris, Michael, and Leeland. What blessings! Praise Jesus for His goodness!





Then it was time for the Easter egg hunt, which I missed because I was feeding the baby. Chris got a few pictures though.


Well, I hope you enjoyed these pics. I hope to catch up even more soon. You’ve been on my mind I’ve just been super busy in baby world.
God bless & remember the High King lives! ~Amber Dover

Easter 2014

Easter Sunday

Easter crafts from 2015

Ash Wednesday 2015

I AM craft, The Lord’s Prayer chapel, and band-aid prayers cross~

Lent Crafts Part One 2015

Egg study & Resurrection egg diorama~

Lent Crafts part 2: Egg Study

Palm Sunday & Easter lily crafts

Lent Crafts Part Three 2015


St. Patty’s Day 2015 March 28, 2015

In this post: St. Patty’s food, scavenger hunt, decor, lapbook, and craft. 


Hello dear ones! Here’s how we celebrated Saint Patrick’s day this year.

  • As you can see from above, we brought out our usual St. Patty’s decor. I let Michael set things up because I felt like I was going into labor that day (false alarm). You can see our family leprechaun and trap. We had Lucky Charms ready for breakfast, a book about St. Patty’s story, and this year an indepth St. Patrick’s Day lapbook.

You can find the lapbook here:

It has Catholic principles in it. We are not Catholic but we had an interesting conversation about praying to saints etc and what a Biblical saint is compared to the process of becoming a Catholic saint. As protestants, we don’t believe in praying to saints or talking to them at all. Also, we believe all Christians are saints and in the process of being sanctified. Anywho, the lapbook had great info about Ireland and we even learned some Gaelic. We talked about the symbols of St. Patty’s and how it’s celebrated in different places.


Even the dogs got festive! Here’s Annabelle :).

IMG_0637 (2)


  • Michael made this rainbow chain with a pot of gold at the end.



  • That morning, Michael had a St. Patty’s placemat with activities on it. I got this free printable from:



  • Chris and Michael did this St. Patty’s Scavenger hunt that I got from The Dating Divas. I set up clues around the house. Each clue bag had an activity that had to be completed before they could move on to the next clue. They were simple but fun. Examples: Don’t Eat Pete (leprechaun version with Skittles), figure out your leprechaun name, and find all the gold pieces.

Scavenger hunt printables here:




  • Lastly, we ate our traditional Irish foods: Irish stew (beef instead of lamb) and Irish Soda Bread. Chris made the stew while Michael and I baked the bread. This has to be my favorite bread.

Recipes here:



And I leave you with my 36 weeks pics (I’m actually about 38 weeks prego now. We’re praying that the baby comes soon though because he’s already bigger than Michael was at birth).

36 weeks

God bless & remember the High King Lives! ~Amber Dover

St. Patty’s on Pinterest:

St. Patty’s past on my blog:

Trinity lesson/craft & big party with tons of Irish recipes~

Crafty Monday: St. Patrick’s Day Celebration with the Homeschool Group

String maze, Shamrock punch, & peg dolls~

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Leprechaun trap & t-shirt art~

Crafty Monday: Prepping for St. Patty’s & Easter & Brazil Country Study

St. Patty’s decor~

St. Patty’s Day 2014

Leprechaun hunt~

My Family Rocks! Sunday:Dates with our Son, Hunting for Leprechauns, & Pet Parade


Mardi Gras 2015 March 1, 2015

In this post: Mardi Gras treats, crafts, parade fun, and a lapbook.


Hello dear ones! We celebrated Mardi Gras as a family for the second time. We’ve come up with our own traditions, like decorating a float for our family parade. Anywho, this is how we did Mardi Gras.

  • We began with a Mardi Gras lapbook and several videos on Mardi Gras’ history. I’ll include a link at the end.




  • Michael made a jester mask.


  • Michael and I watched The Hunchback of Notre Dame because it has the Festival of Fools in it. It’s not the same holiday but the style is similar. I also like the lessons on sin and grace in the movie. Rio and The Princess and the Frog are also good for this time.


  • We had a small feast for supper. We had ham which is a rare treat. We don’t give up anything during Lent, but it was a nod to the history of Fat Tuesday and how people ate all their meat before fasting during Lent. I found the centerpiece at the Dollar Tree.



  • We made a King cake using cinnamon rolls. We put it in the oven while we had our parade.

Here’s Chris braiding his part.



Into the oven!



  • Michael and I made a parade float out of Leeland’s wagon. We used tissue paper and masks. Then we filled it with beads, moon pies, and coins. Teddy played the king/jester and rode in the float.




  • I turned up the jazz music and we had a parade. Michael and I took turns throwing things. We put on masks and beads.





  • Lastly, we decorated and enjoyed our King cake! Mmmmm….we just used the icing that came with the cinnamon rolls and sprinkled it. I couldn’t find purple sprinkles so I used glaze.




You can find the lapbook, videos, and other ideas here:

Mardi Gras on Pinterest

God bless & remember the High King lives! ~Amber Dover

Mardi Gras past

Mardi Gras & Dr. Seuss’ Birthday

Crafty Monday: God’s Love & Hearts Galore! Plus Mardi Gras Celebration…

Another good Disney film to watch for Mardi Gras is The Princess and the Frog. Here are some ideas to give you that New Orleans’ flavor:

Crafty Monday: Disney Countdown~Pinocchio & The Princess and the Frog


Valentine’s Weekend 2015 Plus 32 Weeks Prego Pics February 22, 2015

In this post: Our Valentine’s get away and The Vow date night, Miriam’s 1st birthday, a Valentine’s hunt, diy scratch offs, and date night bags for kids.


Hello dear ones! Valentine’s weekend started off with a bang. My best friend Hannah’s little girl Miriam, turned one. She had a little party with family and a couple friends. Look at this delicious cake from Publix.


Miriam had her first taste of cake and wasn’t sure if she liked it.


We finished our Valentine’s countdowns. Remember the heart chain and kisses countdown found here:

2015 Valentine’s Decor and Countdown

I also gave Michael and Chris Valentine jokes every other day.

Valentine jokes

Free Printable Valentine Jokes

I used these Valentine’s printables from the Dating Divas to set up a hunt for Michael. I found goodies at the Dollar Tree and hid them around his room.

Valentine’s Hunt

I found this chalkboard coffee cup at Michael’s Craft Store, for Chris. Michael made this diy scratch off valentine for me with Chris’ help.
DIY Valentines Scratch Offs


My mom and step dad kept Michael on Valentine’s. I sent this date night bag with Michael to open once we were on our date. It included the games “Don’t Eat Pete” and “Valentine’s Monster Bingo”. Links below. I was told they had lots of fun :).
Kid’s Date Night Bag

Don’t Eat Pete game
The printable is included in the date night bag link above.

Valentine’s Monster Bingo

Several weeks before, Chris and I had a date night at home. We did these couple quizes and interviews from the Dating Diva’s. It reminded me of Chris’ likes and dislikes. I used the info to plan our Valentine’s date night.
Couples’ Interviews & Quiz

We reserved a hotel room with a hot tub. I decorated the room with Valentine’s decor from the Dollar Tree. I put the romantic candle holder I had made, on the tub. Remember it from this post:

Personalized Romantic Candle Holder

It went great with “The Vow” theme.



We arrived at the Olive Garden real early for dinner. The line was crazy, and we got on the waiting list. We were told it’d be an hour and a half wait. So we decided to go to the store across the parking lot while we waited. Bad idea. The restaurant pager messed up and kicked us off the waiting list. We found this out an hour later when we went back to Olive Garden. They tried to get us back in the system but couldn’t. We were told the wait would be longer, so we decided to just order online. We were told that would only take 20 minutes. Well, the pick up wait was over an hour. We were starved at this point so we got Mcdonalds to hold us over and went back to the hotel to start our movie.


When Chris went to pick up our food he had to wait in line for over 20 minutes. It was close to 9 pm when we finally ate supper.

We had planned on doing these mad libs and vow printables from The Dating Divas. It didn’t happen though. We both had headaches by the time we got our food. We did however watch The Vow which is a very inspiring movie.
Love Mad Libs

The Vow Date Night
We did try to do the chocolate tasting printables. We were both so sick at this point. This could’ve been a great date night but things just didn’t work out. Next year I don’t think we will make plans on the actual day of Valentine’s. Traffic was horrific and the hotel was filled with ummm…other people’s intimate sounds. I really didn’t want to hear all that. Thankfully the movie blocked the sounds out.

Chocolate Tasting



Well, if I’m going to have a bad night I’d rather have it with my hubby than all by myself. At least I had good company for Valentine’s :). This was supposed to be our last big bash together before Leeland is born. Oh well…

I almost want to try this date again on another night. I really want a do over! I hope you’re inspired anyways and maybe you’ll have better luck with your date if you use these ideas. I would recommend going out the weekend before or after Valentine’s but not of!

God bless & remember the High King lives! ~Amber Dover

Date Night ideas:

Our Date Nights:

PS: Here are some extra pics for you :).

The guys painted my bedroom door with chalk paint. It was a lovely gift.

Here are my 32 weeks prego. pics.


Winnie the Pooh Day: A Random January Holiday January 23, 2015

Hello dear ones! January 18th was Winnie the Pooh Day. It’s one of the two random January holidays that my family chose to celebrate to stave the winter blues. Here’s how we celebrated :).

The Set Up
I decorated cheap posterboard with tissue paper, construction paper, and Winnie the Pooh quotes. Yellow and red were the colors of the day. I got plates and napkins at the Dollar Tree.
I used brown package paper and green balloons for the tree in the “100 Aker Wood”.


The Food
Hunny Bears~ Honey Teddy Grahams
Acorn Cookies~ Nilla wafers, Nuttella, and Hershey’s Kisses
Honeycomb Treats~ Honeycomb cereal, butter, & marshmallows


Hunny buns~ Honey buns
I found the paper hunny pot online. Links at the end.



Watch the 2011 movie

Play bingo while watching the movie. The bingo cards actually didn’t match the movie we had, so we had to improvise. We used coins as pieces.


Winnie the Pooh quiz~ sadly we all failed but I got the highest failing score lol!

Pin the tail on Eeyore



Paint a Honey Pot~ I found the mini flower pots at the Dollar Tree.





Coloring 🙂
I also found this coloring book at the Dollar Tree. This was a very inexpensive party.


The finished products!


My son Michael’s

My husband Chris’


This party was a blast and so simple. The further along I get in my pregnancy the more I love simple!

I hope you enjoyed! God bless & remember the High King lives! ~Amber Dover

Pinterest links for Winnie the Pooh ideas and printables:


Appreciate a Dragon Day: A Random January Holiday

Hello dear ones! January 16th was Appreciate a Dragon Day. It’s one of the two random January holidays that my family chose to celebrate to stave the winter blues. Here’s how we celebrated :).

Michael as a dragon

Dragon Day Decor

The Food:
Dragon Fire Balls~ cheese puffs
Firedogs~ hot dogs
Dragon Eggs~ speckled jelly beans



Origami Dragon~ Chris made this and was so fed up with it that he didn’t want to teach us lol.

Become a Dragon


I tried different methods I had found on Pinterest to make the scales but to no avail.

The wings are made from clothes hangers and tulle. I found the dragon (ninja) vests at the Dollar Tree.
Michael as a scary dragon.

Chris refused to dress up. So the dog became his guinea pig. Tessa the fierce!

I felt more like the Avatar chic than an ice dragon. Oh well!

Michael colored a dragon mask.


My attempt at Dragon Egg nail art. Yeah, another fail.

Draw a Dragon


Michael’s chubby dragon. We decided that he eats lollipops all day.


My cute dragon. She lives in the mountains and shoots ice.


Chris’ scary dragon. I wouldn’t want to cross paths with this one!


Sheep Toss~ This is a game inspired by a How to Train Your Dragon party. I used cotton balls and construction paper for the sheep. I found the dragons and the red container at the Dollar Tree.


Michael and I tied. Chris won. Yeah, my dragon silhouette banners fell down.

Dino/Dragon Dig ~ I got this kit at the Dollar Tree awhile back. Chris had to help Michael. That dino was well buried! You may be wondering why I have a dino for Dragon Day. Well, we believe in Creation Science and that dragons were the name for dinosaurs before people started using that word. More info in the links.

Famous Dragons Quizzes ~ I put this together myself. I’m unable to share documents but I can give you the pictures if you want to use these. I just ask that you link back to my blog if you want to share ;).


We finished the night with dragon themed shows. There are plenty to choose from. My quizzes should give you several ideas.

God bless & remember the High King lives! ~Amber Dover

Famous Dragons Quiz


Famous Dragons answer sheet

Famous Dragon Quotes Quiz
Dragon Quotes

Famous Dragon Quotes answer sheet

Dragon Quotes Answers

Dragon/dino Pinterest link:

Could dragons be dinosaurs?