
The High King Lives

Crafty Monday: Ancient Greece Week 3 & Oktoberfest November 4, 2013

In this post: We learn about Greek culture and Alexander the Great. Our homeschool group celebrates Oktoberfest.

Blogpost3Hello dear ones. I hope you are well. Last week we finished our study of Ancient Greece. We also learned about Alexander the Great.  It’s going to be short and sweet today. Here’s a list of what’s pictured:

  • Picture of Alexander the Great’s horse, Bucephelus. Michael got this out of his Draw and Write Through History book. He used water colors.
  • Bucephelus puppet
  • The lighthouse at Alexandria~from Draw & Write Through History. It’s one of the 7 ancient wonders of the world.
  • A Greek Urn~We also watched a video about how Greek pots told stories. Michael drew the Olympics on this one.
  • We learned about the top 3 Greek philosophers and talked about their philosophies. We used “S.P.A.” to remember who taught who. “Sock” to remember Socrates. Plato sounds like play dough. “Air” for Aristotle. I drew pictures so we’d remember  facts about them. You can see Aristotle is teaching Alexander the Great.
  • Our Indian corn sprouted :).

You can find video and craft links here:

Greece week 3Our homeschool group celebrated Oktoberfest and learned about Germany. Everyone brought a German food. A mom who had lived in Germany talked about it. My buddy Hannah read the kids a fairy tale by the Grimm brothers. Since it was also Halloween some of the kids dressed up and we had games after.

I made an apple pie braid. I’m not sure if it’s German. I used this pie crust recipe:

I doubled it and rolled it out. Then I cut both sides into strips and left space in the middle for the apples. I cooked the apples with a sugary cream cheese mix that didn’t serve it’s purpose as a frosting. Then I poured the apple mixture in the middle and braided the sides. I brushed the sugary mix on top and sprinkled cinnamon and sugar. Then I baked it for 18 minutes. It was scrumptious!

Oktoberfest It was a busy week with all the festivals and costume fun.  I was too pooped to party by Friday.  Well, more next time :).

God bless & remember the High King lives! ~Amber Dover

Greece Week 2:

Next Week :