
The High King Lives

Independence Day Crafts & Fun 2014 July 23, 2014

Hello dear ones! I hope you are well. I want to show you the crafts we did this year for the 4th of July.

In 2012 we made fireworks in a jar, Independence candles using salt and food coloring, and we decorated a t-shirt. I also painted Michael’s face before we saw fireworks. There’s also a short lapbook. Link here:

Crafty Monday: Independence Day crafts (the 4th of July)

2013 we celebrated our first Family Olympics. Link here:

My Family Rocks! Sunday: 2013 Family Olympics

This year…

  • I made a Summer wreathe out of red, white, and blue flip flops and a bow. I got it all at the Dollar Tree.
  • The wreathe goes perfect with the patriotic flip flop welcome mat, I made a couple of years ago.
  • Michael made a flag out of popsicle sticks.
  • Michael did another Independence Day lapbook.
  • Flip flops are a theme in my house, this Summer. I’ve also been making Summery paper chains. Usually I put flowers on the wall but I didn’t have any Summer flowers, so I improvised. The chains are whimsical. I’m a kid at heart.
  • We took a trip to the Infantry Museum for good food and entertainment.
  • We got pictures with Captain America and other super heroes.
  • Then we went to see Captain America 2 at the dollar theater.
  • We ended the night with fireworks and glowsticks. We sat on top of the Jeep again.

One day, I hope to get to the beach for fireworks. I grew up about 30 minutes from the beach. So as a kid, my Mom and I often went to St. Simon’s or Jekyll Island for fireworks. Usually we’d grab some boiled peanuts and find a playground to have fun on. We’d stay on the beach until the tide pushed us up on the rocks. I remember the taste of sea salt in my soda. The traffic was always horrible leaving the island, but I’m glad my Mom put up with it. My Mom was always open to adventure. I hope I’m like her.

God bless & remember the High King lives! ~Amber Dover

Fourth of July STuff 2014