
The High King Lives

End of the Year Parties: Science July 28, 2014

Hello dear ones! We finished our last week of school (back in June) with subject based parties. Today I want to show you the Science themed day we had.

  • We began our day with snow cones. We mixed colors with different flavors of Koolaid. Then we put them all together to make a unique flavor for our snowcones.
  • We made sand volcanoes by digging a hole in the sand, filling it with baking soda, and adding vinegar. I think this experiment would work best at the beach.
  • Lastly, Michael made a nature frame by gluing leaves and such on a frame we got from the craft store. We modge podged the leaf so it would keep it’s color and stay stiff. It still looks good, weeks later.

This was an easy and fun day. Join me later for our second party: Language Arts & Math~

End of the Year Parties: Language Arts & Math

& Lastly, our Music & Art party (plus ideas for the History party that never happened):

End of the Year Parties: Art & Music

God bless & remember the High King lives! ~Amber Dover

Pssst! You can find more ideas here:

