
The High King Lives

Crafty Monday: Passover, The Lord’s Supper, and The Resurrection April 1, 2013

In this Post: A mock stained glass Passover painting, a Jesus in the Garden diorama, Lego club, a the Lord’s supper diorama,Passover lapbooks, Passion week calendar, the 10 plagues on Egypt, empty tomb craft, resurrection rolls, continent crafts, Bunny music, and more!

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Hello dear ones! I hope you’re having a lovely day. I’m going to show you snippets of what we did last week. Enjoy the pics! 🙂

First off, I wanted to give you a glimpse of our online Lego club that meets once a month. By the way, if you don’t remember from my last post, offers online classes and clubs for homeschoolers. Some of the classes cost but I think all the clubs are free (?).  Michael joined a Lego club and we may take a few classes this year.
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I didn’t think I would need to help Michael but we were not prepared. We ran out of Legos and next time I should bag all that he needs for that project. The teacher that we saw on live video, talked Lego talk….like using 2×4 etc. I had never taken the time to count how many dots were across the pieces vertically and horizontally. I should’ve had these labeled and in baggies….next time.

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So while Michael chatted with other homeschoolers (ranging from 6 to 12) and watched his teacher, I frantically dug through his box trying to find the next piece. My Mom was there to supervise and cheer us on lol. We had to substitute many pieces, so Michael’s castle looks a bit different from the picture (there were about 80 steps!). It’s nice though and unique. The teacher gave a lesson on medieval times I guess but we had to get off before she did. Just building took an hour! The whole thing is recorded so maybe we will watch the lesson part this week.

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My buddy Rachel over at  gave me a bag of transportation vehicles pasta (trains, planes, and cars). You can barely tell because of the Alfredo sauce but it was good.

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Our brown bird (Brown Thrasher?) came back to sing to us. I don’t know why but I get so excited when he/she shows up.

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Passover Crafts

Stained-Glass Passover Picture

First, Michael drew a picture of Moses and the burning bush. Then I copied it onto wax paper with a sharpie. I only did the outlines. Then I took another piece of wax paper and used markers to color in where the lines would be. Afterwards, I taped the outline on top of the colors and then taped that on top of foil and corrugated cardboard.

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Voila! I will put the link where I got this idea at the end of this post.

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Ten Commandments and Passover/Easter Lapbook

I combined a few lapbooks to make this one.

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Plague Puppets for Passover

I believe this idea came from Creative Jewish Mom but you can check on the link at the end. We used these during our Passover/ Lord’s Supper celebration.

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I just wanted to show you this Lent tradition we got from here:

It’s a neat way to practice forgiveness…and to play with flour ;).

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For cooking we made Resurrection rolls, recipe here:

These were SO good! I wanted to eat them all!

The white “pure” marshmallows represented Jesus, who is without sin.

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The butter and spices represent how he was prepared  for burial.

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Then it is wrapped in a crescent roll to show how Jesus was wrapped in a linen cloth.

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Then the oven represents the tomb. We read the verses suggested in the blog that inspired this.

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When they come out the marshmallows are melted and it looks like an empty tomb.

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I love it when Mom comes to visit. Her and Michael do mailbox club lessons together. I grew up on these Bible lessons through the mail. They are free so check them out!

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Forgiveness Experiment

Our project involves a coffee filter, pencil, and red food coloring. Super simple but it did not work like it did on the inspiration blog. You’re supposed to write “sin” with pencil on the coffee filter that you’ve cut into a heart.

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Then you add red food coloring to represent how Jesus’ blood covers our sin.

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Well, the food coloring didn’t eat away the pencil like it was supposed to. If you look close you can still see the word. This is Michael’s. Me and Mom’s hearts didn’t look as good.

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By the way, here is one of our rock candy sticks. The crystals formed on top but not on the stick. One day we are going to get the hang of this!

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Typing on Tuesdays 🙂

Michael’s learning that he needs to type fast if he’s going to chat online during Lego club.

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Hand less clock

We drew numbers on the trampoline and both tried being the clock hands. I called out times and Michael tried to point to them.

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This is what happens when you roll around on a trampoline! 🙂

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Me attempting…

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This next concept from:   did not work at all for Michael. It went over his head. But I have an idea (involving wax paper) that can teach this same concept in a way Michael will get. Lord willing, I’ll show it to you next week.

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We finished off the Easter music sheets from Susan Paradis. I hope you check out this awesome site.

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Thursday we prepped for Passover. Michael watched “!Hero: the Rock Opera” while we crafted. We didn’t do as many workbooks Thursday and Friday.

Jesus’ Passion diorama

I found this picture of Jesus in the garden, online. We only have black and white so I painted some of it.

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Then we pasted it into a box.

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This is one of the dangers of crafting…

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Then Michael added moss and a rock to give it a 3D effect.

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He is Risen paper plate tomb

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Geography ~ We brushed up on the Continents & oceans song then did…

Continent Rubbings

I cut  the shapes out of foam.

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Paper plate globe

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Lord’s Supper Diorama

Michael and I cut out the 12 disciples from brown paper and put them in white robes. We made Jesus yellow so he’d stand out.

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I formed bread, a plate, a goblet, an oil lamp, and a wine pitcher from salt dough. After it baked I painted them.

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Chris painted the inside of a box grey. We used cardboard to make a table and put plastic cloth over it. We sat every one down and voila! The Lord’s Supper :).

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We got this neat Good Friday idea from Mustard Seeds. I put a red dot on Michael’s wrist to represent the blood of Jesus and then I wrote his name on top to show that Jesus was thinking of him when he gave his life. We know Jesus died for our sins because God loves us.

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Crown of Thorns Craft

Michael fashioned this crown of thorns out of playdough and tooth pics.

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An army man tried it on. It looks painful. We’re thankful that we don’t have to go through what Jesus did.

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We started this “Passion Calendar” last week but sadly didn’t finish. I guess we will finish it next year. Every day represents something Jesus did on the days leading up to His crucifixion & resurrection(Passion Week).  The inspiration blog is on the link at the end. I’ll show you our family celebrations next Sunday, Lord willing.

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Remember email subscribers to come to my blog to see the links.

Easter Crafts~

Well, time to get to NaNoWriMo camp!

God bless & remember the High King lives! ~Amber Dover

PS: check out our neat Passover play:

Maundy Thursday (Passover & The Lord’s Supper)


Virtual Friday: Biblical Explorations in SecondLife May 11, 2012

Hello dear ones and welcome to another Virtual Friday where I take you into the world of SecondLife.

I found an interesting place in the virtual realm the other day. It’s a place full of Biblical exhibits. One thing I didn’t like was how a certain doctrine was pushed in one of their signs. I can’t and don’t agree with the Seventh Day Adventist beliefs. So just know up front that this place does have that doctrine and I don’t support it.

Moving on, I did like a majority of their exhibits though and I think they did a great job artistically. So enjoy the pictures 🙂 Remember you can click on them to see them larger.

Biblical Explorations in SecondLife

Visit Great Controversy Island (162, 13, 22)

There were a few pictures of creation and inside this pyramid they had a theater but I was unable to get it to work. I do have an older viewer.

I loved the Moses exhibit. It begins with Moses as a baby and goes through him helping to deliver Israel. My one wish is that they would’ve shown the burning bush.

They did a good job with the plagues.

The plague of darkness was particularly clever. I didn’t think they’d show this plague but as I began walking this dark cloud covered me and I couldn’t see for a bit.

The blood on the door post for Passover….

And once we all made it out of Egypt we danced with Miriam 🙂

There was the temple with the ark and the priests lighting incense

Also there was a replica of Daniel’s lions den

beautiful nativity

Well, God bless and remember The High King Lives!~Amber Dover

PS: I got carried away with a bubble toy….hopefully the neighbors won’t say anything lol