
The High King Lives

Crafty Monday: Greece Week 1 + Down at the Farm October 21, 2013

In this post: We begin our study of Ancient Greece with Greek Pizza, the Parthenon, Greek architecture, and the Alphabet! Also a fun trip to the farm/ranch as we learn about pioneers and pilgrims. And a few Fall crafts!


Hello beloved and how are you? We are still kickin’ over here at the Dover’s. I’m excited to be teaching and learning about Ancient Greece. The Greeks were some of my favorite people in Social studies at school. I really enjoyed Greek mythology as a kid but that’s changed since I became a Christian. I don’t watch Xena or Hercules anymore. Still, I think the culture was interesting.

This week we focused on the Alphabet and architecture. You can find our pinspirations at this link:

Michael decoded a Greek letter and then he wrote his own Greek letter. It was a secret message to his Daddy, the other secret agent in the family. Shhhhh! Don’t tell! 😉

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Chris decoding his letter.

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We watched a couple of videos about the Greek Alphabet and some cute songs. They reminded me of my brief time in Bible college. Me and my guy buddy were surrounded by old men and they cracked us up. I’ve got a video of the guys singing the Greek Alphabet. Oh how I miss them all….good times.  You can find the other vids on the link I gave you.

We talked about Athens vs Sparta. I would rather live in Athens for sure. The Spartans were warriors and very harsh. The Athenians were all about education and the arts. We learned a bit about the Olympics. Michael couldn’t believe that it was limited to men and they went around naked! No wonder married women were forbidden to attend!

We made a homemade Greek Pizza with olives and feta. My guys really enjoyed it. I couldn’t handle the heart burn.

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We looked at Greek mosaics online and then made a bean mosaic.

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Michael drew the Parthenon from his Draw and Write Through History book.


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We watched a video about the Parthenon while we put together this Lego Parthenon. We found directions online but sort of did our own thing. We simplified and it turned out nice.

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Michael made these Greek columns out of toilet paper tubes and paper. We have Doric (the plain columns),  Ionic (looks like scrolls), and Corinthian (fancy) columns.

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We ended the week by looking at Greek sculptures and then making our own out of cucumbers. Okay, it was hard! None of us had the talent for it.

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I thought mine (right) looked like an old grandma. You can’t see her face in the pic. Michael’s looks scary like slimer or something. Yeah, it was hard.

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We did a scarecrow tutorial. The crayon didn’t resist the paint well. You can’t see his straw. Cute, nevertheless.

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Michael also learned how to draw an owl. He added other animals to his picture.

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You can find these crafts here:

I gave Michael a fake pumpkin and let him decorate it however he wanted. He drew a cat face.

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At the beginning of the week, our group took a trip to a ranch/farm to learn about pilgrims and pioneers. It was a good program though overshadowed literally by the grey misty and COLD weather. Oh, I froze my tail off! All of us had dressed for a hot day too. So we shivered through it and most of us went home, napped, and had cider or cocoa after. Goes to show….cold homeschool moms think alike ;). has free “Down on the Farm” notebooking pages. Check it out:

This sweet lady talked to the kiddos about the pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving.

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The the kids learned how to grind corn. There is no way to get a decent amount of food this way. I’m thinking there was a bowl shaped vat and a long stone cylinder or something to grind it. I can’t imagine a rock and a log being very effective at all.  The corn went everywhere.

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Our “Native American” guide showed the kids this teepee and told a Native American legend.

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Inside the teepee.

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A dreary day on the farm…

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Fun feeding goats!

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The free range bunnies made burrows…I want a free range bunny now.

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Baaaa ram ewe! He he…reminds me of Babe every time. Sheep make me giggle. It’s like chihuahuas. I always want to say “Yo quero Taco Bell”.

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King of the world!

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A hay ride without any hay…still fun.

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This man knew his stuff. He talked to the kids about being a pioneer and living on the trail.

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The Pioneer man took us to the cabin “we built”. We used our imagination to get there :).

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Pioneer man showing us how to wash clothes the old fashioned way.

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Inside the cabin…such simple beauty.

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The loft. You didn’t have to worry about family togetherness back then.

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Downstairs in the one room cabin. Oh this reminds me of some of my favorite Christian romance and inspirational movies….Love Comes Softly…Seasons of the Heart.

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What a perfect Fall table…I wouldn’t mind having a cabin someday. See the stuffed turkey in the corner? There’s an abacus on the mantle.

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An old reader on the table.

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Pumpkins by the covered wagon.

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Nifty spiderweb net.

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It was a fun and busy week.  We went to the fair and also a cooking school. I’ll show pictures of that later, Lord willing.  If you’re wondering where the Bible was in this time of history (remember our timeline?): well, the book of Malachi was being written and the Jews were about to enter into the silent years where God refused to speak. When we study Rome we will finally be in the times of Jesus, the messiah. That’ll be great near Christmas, one of the times we celebrate Christ’ birth.

God bless & remember the High King lives! ~Amber Dover

Last Week:

Week 2 of Greece:


My Family Rocks! Sunday: We’re Off to See the Wizard! March 17, 2013

In this Post: Our family had a Wizard of Oz party to get pumped up for the new movie “Oz, the Great and Powerful”.  Michael and I also read the first Oz book the weeks leading up to it. Enjoy the pics! I’ll show the making of the party & recipes at the end!

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Hello Beloved,

I hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend and a happy St. Patrick’s day! We celebrated yesterday and it was lots of fun. You’ll find out about that next Sunday though (Lord willing). Last weekend, my guys, Mom, my stepdad Kim, and I had an Oz party. We dressed up, played games, and literally followed the yellow brick road. Put on your ruby slippers  (or silver if you prefer) and let’s go!

First, let’s meet the cast…

The Scarecrow– my step dad Kim

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Glenda, the good witch of the South ~ Mom/ Nana (Ann)

& Dorothy~ me

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The Tin Man ~ My son Michael

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The Cowardly Lion ~ Tessa, our dog

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Oz, the great and powerful wizard ~ My hubby, Chris

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The Wicked Witch of the West ~ you’ll see…

The Scene

I didn’t get too many pics of the yellow brick road and house by itself but you will see those later with us on it. So here are the before pictures.

Poppies on the way to the Emerald City

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The gates to the Emerald City. The sign says “Bell out of order. Please knock.”

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The Emerald City, the hot air balloon, and the Wicked Witch of the West’  “castle”

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Sign says “I’ll get you my pretty and your little dog too!” Picture of the witch and her flying monkeys.

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The eats…

Wicked Witch Punch~ label says “I’m Melting!”

Sour Cream and Onion chips

Pigs n’ a blanket

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Oz rainbow cake– chocolate and vanilla

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The Games

Wicked Witch Ring Toss

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Wizard of Oz Karaoke

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Pin the Heart  on the Tin Man

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No one got his heart in the right place!

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The Photo Posters

Glenda and a munchkin (Mom & Michael)

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Wicked Witch poster (me)

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Kim, my step dad ~ he made a very scary witch lol!

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Michael and I were the scary versions of Glenda and her munchkin…especially me with my green face.

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Michael wanted us to act out the movie, so we started on the yellow brick road…

Our creepy dead wicked witch of the East’  legs. Once you see the new Oz movie you won’t feel sorry for her at all.

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So after our Time Machine Unit we threw away the machine and put a cardboard house in it’s place. It worked beautifully for Dorothy’s house. You can see the tornado behind Glenda, on the sky paper.  Green blankets for grass and yellow paper with bricks drawn on it for the yellow brick road. Remember you can click on the pics to see the larger version.

Glenda magically…

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puts the ruby slippers on Dorothy! Ta da!

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So first I met the Scarecrow, you already saw that picture. Here’s a pic of the cornfield and our other Scarecrow.

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The Scarecrow and Dorothy oiling the Tin Man. You can see the apple orchard behind him, right next to the forest where we meet…

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the Cowardly Lion!

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She’s much cuter than she is fierce!

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Then we are all off to see the Wizard! Until…

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we come to the DEADLY Poppy field!

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I’m getting sleepy…

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I hope you look at this pic close up. Dorothy and the Lion have fallen asleep. Tin man has rusted himself from crying and the Scare Crow is freaking out until Glenda brings the snow. This is definitely different from the book but we are going by the movie.

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Now it’s time to go to the Emerald City!

Hey knock!

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Let us in to see Oz!

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Augggghhh!!!! It’s Oz!

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Hey Wizard! You’re a phony! No, I’m a good man…just a bad wizard.

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Well, we skipped killing the witch but she did show up

During karaoke I thought I would bust in during the witches scene. I didn’t have a hat so I taped a game hat to my head.

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I got out my green eye shadow and dusted my face with it. The kitty became my flying monkey. Our modern broom had to do…

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Oz, the not so wizardly, gives Scarecrow a degree to show he has a brain.

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Tin Man gets a heart that ticks! Don’t you just love Chris’ silly face?

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The Lion gets a badge for courage 🙂

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Dorothy and the Wizard start to take a hot air balloon ride but Dorothy gets out to chase Toto and the Wizard floats off alone….

Me & Chris

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Mom & Kim

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Michael and TessaWizard of Oz 2013 050

In the end, Glenda says Dorothy had the power to go home all along. She had to learn a lesson first. This makes more sense in the book because in the book they don’t meet Glenda until the end. They originally meet the Witch of the North (not Glenda) with the Munchkins and she does not know the full power of the shoes. In the book, Dorothy and the gang travel all the way to the South to find Glenda.

Just click your heels together three times and say “There’s no place like home!”

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The party is over and we get goofy with the shoes!

Maybe the witch was in the chimney instead…

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Tessa is Dorothy!Wizard of Oz 2013 094

The Making of the Party

First off, I want to say that I learned a very big lesson with this party. I put many hours into making this over a few weeks. I spent way too many late nights. I didn’t expect the party to get so big on me and to take so much work. I’m always a slow worker. I get distracted too easily. So maybe it wouldn’t take you as long. But I learned that I shouldn’t get so focused on pleasing people that I miss the moments. Thankfully, I learned this before the party started. Thank you to the one who taught me that and for that person always supporting me….even when I go overboard. I love you.

Now, how this all came together! I wish I would’ve taken more pictures of how it was all made but here are a few. My Pinterest link with ideas will be at the end.

Glenda’s lollipop wand~

a wooden dowel, a round piece of wood, paint, glitter, glue, and a ribbon

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The Ruby Slippers~ black Mary Janes, modge podge mixed with red glitter, and many many layers of it. I had to wait for the layers to dry before I added more. The slippers were silver in the book but I like Ruby better.

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Glenda’s Tutu~ 12 yards of pink tulle, spray glue, glitter, thread, and elastic. I wrapped the elastic around Mom and later sewed it to her size. Then I tied the tulle, yard by yard, onto the elastic. I sewed it too so it couldn’t come off. I used the tops of the tulle to cover any exposed elastic. I sprayed the tutu with spray glue and sprinkled it with glitter.

I like it so much that I may be Glenda for Fall Festival. You can’t see the sparkles in this picture.

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The Rainbow cake~  a Pillsbury box cake (golden), chocolate icing, vanilla icing, food coloring, and green sprinkles.

The directions for this were in Japanese so I followed the pictures. I decided to make two layers so I could get chocolate in it. The chocolate icing would not have turned green very well.

Step 1 ~ Mix the batter and separate it into 5 cups, six if you have purple. I didn’t want to bother with it. Then add the food coloring to each cup for the rainbow.

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Step 2~ Start with red (if you want) and pour each layer on top of each other. Because I wanted two layers I divided everything equally between pans. As you add each layer the bottom layer will spread out. This gives you the rainbow effect.

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Step 3~ After baking, I spread chocolate icing between the two layers. I mixed a small amount of green food coloring with the vanilla icing and frosted the top and sides. Then I took a bottle of darker icing to write “Oz” and sprinkled the cake with green sprinkles. It tastes even better than it looks!

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The Emerald City ~

So I looked at this site that had Oz sets ranging from 200 to a thousand dollars. Yeah…no. I decided to paint a poster of the Emerald City in the distance, based off of the set I saw. For some reason it’s surrounded by water but I went with it.

I can draw most things if I look at them while drawing. So I sketched it with a pencil and then went back and painted. It took me several hours  and many episodes of My Little Pony to finish the Emerald City.

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The sides were white so later I taped rainbow balloons to them and set it on top of a blue blanket (that covered my office desk) and under a balloon rainbow.

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The deadly Poppy field you saw in the other pics was simply cheap dollar store red wrapping paper with poppies drawn in with a sharpie. My hubby, Chris, helped me draw the many poppies. Then I covered my boxes with green tissue paper and taped fake red flowers to it (kind of had a hill effect). So my messy office was covered up by a blue blanket.

The entrance to the Emerald City ~

Some of you may remember these doors from Purim. I simply added the word “Oz” to them. First my hubby cut a door shape out of  a project poster board. The same kind I used for the Emerald City. I glued different wooden and foam shapes to the door to make them look like carvings.

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We spray painted the doors green and added green glitter. My glitter paint was defective.

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The big “Oz” in the Wicked Witch section was simply wooden letters that were spray painted green and glittered. I did the same to the two small “Oz” words and later glued them to my doors.

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All of the signs were poster board and string or tape. I used chalk on the black posters to make the Wicked Witch picture and sign. I tacked a black blanket to the wall and taped the witch poster to it. I put a black plastic cloth on the counter and used our green punch bowl to add to the witch look.

The wicked witch punch is the same as shamrock punch: gingerale, pineapple juice, and lime sherbert.

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Inside the Emerald City ~

I reused my St. Patty’s green plastic cloth for the table. We had golden plastic utensils and plates. Green plastic cups for punch.

The hot air balloon was simply a white poster folded and a cardboard tube split in half for the sides and top. Then balloons were taped up top. I tacked up a blue plastic cloth for the sky.

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Oz, was a poster of a face that I drew and Michael painted green. He was green because that looked neater than pasty white. I taped green tissue paper to the sides for green  fire and I covered my counter with a white plastic cloth to hide my appliances. I put the Scarecrow’s degree (honor roll paper), Tin Man’s heart (wooden heart with clock drawn on it and a ribbon taped to it), and the Lion’s badge (a plastic fake coin with ribbons taped on).

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I already told you that the Yellow Brick Road was yellow paper with a brick pattern drawn on it (literally with crayon). I used green blankets and green poster paper to make grass along the way. You can’t see the tornado that well on the sky paper behind the house but it was black poster cut to shape. The sky paper was the same thing I used for our Dr. Seuss party. I bought it at Michael’s Craft store…along with the yellow paper.  I also bought some of the utensils there but also at the Dollar Tree.

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I really wanted to have tornado sounds playing when everyone came in but I didn’t get to it.

The witch’s stockings were not the right color but close enough. I found them at Target and stuffed them with quilt batting.

Wicked Witch Ring Toss ~ black cups and plates for the hat & a ring set from Party City.

The Scarecrow’s corn field was simply painted onto white paper and I found the small scarecrow at Goodwill. I took a short cut with the apple orchard and tacked up an apple tree throw blanket we had. Then I put the Tin Man game over it. I painted trees for the forest and kept a gloomy grey sky. These were put up on our armoir and I left an opening for the t.v. so we could do karaoke. The Wizard of Oz sing along was on the dvd.

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The Photo posters were all sketched and painted onto white posters from the Dollar Tree. I also did this with the Tin Man game. I got the ideas from Pinterest and scenes from the movie. The Tin Man’s hearts were felt hearts that came on a string. I got it from the Dollar Tree during Valentine’s. I put everyone’s initials on with a sharpie so we could see who pinned where.

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Glenda– I already told you how I made her tutu and wand. She also wore a pink foam crown and pink feather boa from Michael’s.

Scarecrow–  I can’t take credit for his costume. I only provided a few items. Mom painted Kim’s face. He had a straw hat, yarn for straw, and face paint/crayon.

Tin man– I found the idea for this outfit but Chris put it together. He spray painted a funnel silver for the hat. Michael wore grey clothes and I used silver face paint for his face. Chris taped foil to Michael’s clothes and put dryer ducts on his arms.

Lion– felt and yarn.

Oz– Chris simply wore a green hat.

Dorothy– I had a blue checked dress from high school and it fit the part, pig tails, white tights, and ruby slippers.

The Wicked Witch of the West– black glittery gown from Goodwill, green eye shadow for my face, and a hat from the ring toss game.

Flying Monkey– a small green hat from St. Patty’s and purple felt for the wings.

After the party…

We tore everything down pretty quickly but kept a few things. Michael kept the hot air balloon and turned it into a balloon shop. Here he is selling his wares :).

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Chris and I went on a date to see “Oz the Great and Powerful” the next day. It was SO good. I wore the ruby slippers. I think I like them too much. They make me feel pretty lol.


I wore a different blue dress but still felt like Dorothy. After the movie, we got an ice cream and went to the park. I wanted to take pictures with my ruby slippers.




When we picked up Michael, he was playing softball with my Mom. My stepdad was checking out his new sailboat.


As I’ve said before, you can read all 14 of Frank Baum’s books for 99 cents on Kindle.

Remember email subscribers to come to my blog to see the link.

Wizard of Oz Pinterest link:

God bless & remember the High King lives! ~Amber Dover


Crafty Monday: Pumpkins & Sukkot October 8, 2012

Hello friends and I hope you had a lovely weekend. I’m posting this from Helen. Last week, we celebrated Sukkot. Our homeschool week was a bit different. Tuesday we went to the pottery place to paint things for Sukkot (a family tradition). Thursday I hosted our homeschool group. Michael got to stay up later during the week because he slept in the living room under our camo net sukkah lol. We made a homemade scarecrow.

Fall ideas here:

I took the apples off the apple tree in our school room and now we have a fall tree with pumpkins at the bottom. We still have to make the leaves for it.

Michael made a fingerprint fall tree.

The first night of Sukkot my true love gave to me, a partridge  we made a scarecrow.

Basically we stuffed pillow stuffing into burlap and Michael’s old clothes (Chris’ socks). It’s held together by staples and it’s sewn with fishing line.  Button leaves for eyes and felt for the nose. He’s wearing my sun hat.

Chris and I put together this dryer tube pumpkin.

Chris cut the tube into three pieces

We put them together to make the pumpkin shape and I sewed them together with fishing line.

Chris sprayed the pumpkins with orange paint and I added a stem (just a stick from the yard) and a curly vine (floral wire)

This is a 3-d paper pumpkin made of construction paper and a pipe cleaner.

I made these acorn candles for our pumpkin diorama. Michael helped me find the acorn caps. I cut some wicks and used a spoon to get the hot wax from my candle warmer. They really work!

Here they are with my pumpkin diorama

I carved a large circle in the front of a styrofoam pumpkin (from Dollar Tree). I also carved a square in the back of it for a window. I took contact paper that looks like wood and cut enough for the floor. I used tooth picks for the window panes. I cut a bit of fabric for curtains. Then I took an old ribbon spool and covered it with fabric to make a tiny table. I took a small wooden bowl (from the craft store) and glued beans in it. Then I glued the bowl to the table. I made a tiny banner of paper and glued it across the front. I glued bows on each side. Inside are two peg dolls: a squirrel and an owl. The little barrels are from the craft store too.

At the homeschool group we had a pumpkin/Sukkot celebration at the park.

I asked everyone to bring fall desserts. I showed the moms my three pumpkin crafts above.

I made this pumpkin toss out of cardboard. The pumpkins are supposed to look friendly but I had a hard time cutting the cardboard.

After lunch the kids played pumpkin toss. My homemade bean bags came apart after awhile but thankfully Hannah had some bean bags in her van.

I spoke to the kids about Sukkot.

I showed the moms and kids how to make paper bag pumpkins. I did this last year too.

Our pumpkin this year……not as orange as last year. Maybe I will make bigger pumpkins later.

The idea comes from:

Last years pumpkins~

Hannah’s on the left, mine on the right

Mom making a big pumpkin

The kitty trying to help us. He was such a cute kitten!

We have cable in the hotel and I was watching “The Munsters”. Chester looks just like the Munster black cat lol but he is WAY too sweet to ever roar like a lion ;).  Btw it is freezing up here in Helen but amazing.

If you try any of these crafts or have your own pumpkin ideas please share in the comments :).

God bless & remember the High King lives! ~Amber Dover

Owls Study:

Apples Study:

Bats, Falling Leaves, & World Pasta Day:

Candy Corn, Crows, & Homemade Rootbeer: